Downward Spiral.

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This is the time that went south.

Since I got mad at her for the "little," and "not going to my house because it's always about your mom" thing, we were in a fight, so to say. I just wanted to see her, and her to be a better person in general, but she ignored me. However, we resolved every issue with "we'll try better," and it was all okay again. We talked and talked, and then something strange happened to her.

Before I go on, I should fill in a bit more. Geez, I really am a forgetful one, am I? The pep-rally theme for the week was hats off to seniors, which was October, I believe. I got really emotional that day, because of time was slipping away for me to continue seeing my girlfriend. After I waved to her before she left to her side of the bleachers with her other band candidates, like I always do for every pep-rally, it hit me hard again thinking that the time is very limited. I sat down for the entirety of the pep-rally, crying at the fact that I wouldn't see her as much later on. She promised me that she would do something so that I could go and see her. She proposed that I could go over her house the next day, and we'll just hang out. It was perfect! Then, plan didn't go through, because of her mom. What is it with her mom? Well, we did eventually fall through with the plan, so it was alright. I still wonder...

We had a great conversation to begin with. The regular chats that we've always had. She then messaged me saying that her mom is talking to her. I thought, "Okay, thanks for telling me. I do appreciate that." I then messaged that if I was disturbing her. No answer. Ten minutes passed by, and I thought she didn't get my message. (This happened many times, especially around this time, assuming nothing else.) I then sent her another message, saying the same thing. Nothing again. Weird. It's not like her to just not respond. She always responds after the second message usually, no matter what. (Now. It was used to be instantly.) I waited another ten minutes, and thought it may have been about me. I sent her another message saying that. Nothing. I was worried out of my mind. She never did this, maybe this was something serious. Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it? But I'm her boyfriend, I should know! I'm the one who cares for her too.

Seconds became minutes, which then became hours. Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Okay, there is definitely something wrong. It really wasn't of her to not respond back after the second message that I've sent her. She usually tells me an answer for those types of situations, like "you're fine," or "I really have to do this." But this suspense is making me question a lot of things. I had a safety net to fall to, though.

This wasn't the first time she didn't respond to me for a long while. Although, the first time wasn't as severe as the second time which ended in... well, you'll see. She was just doing some chores she had to do. The assistant in mind who helped me was a friend who liked to spread positivity and have fun. She was the best in helping people out, even to this day! She really is one true friend to have.

The safety net was a friend of mine who understands people, which is almost like a therapist, or a counselor. I contacted her about my situation. I told her about the arguments that we had, the forgiveness that we gave each other, and the "not replying" fiasco. (It has been about eight or nine hours since I sent my girlfriend the message. She hasn't even opened it yet, but Snapchat says she was active about four hours ago.) My great female friend aided me in saying to give her a bit more time, and I agreed to that. The next day happened, and it was a doozy one.

The next day is here. Thinking positive thoughts, all while thinking about what happened. What did her mom say? I was really thinking that the talk was about me for the majority of the day. I just couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened. Nothing could get the thoughts out of my head, not even the hilarious YouTube videos that I always watch. My girlfriend made me lose hope. A bit later on to the day, I received a message... from my caring female friend! I wanted to talk to someone about something. I mean, yeah my sister is a good listener, but I don't think I want to explain everything to her just yet. My friend asked me if my girlfriend has responded back, to which I replied that she still hasn't. She suggested me that I could probably send her another message, and so I did. We waited for something, but still nothing. My friend then said that if there was someone my girlfriend would reply to a situation like this. I logically said that maybe her friends or mom. My friend said that she was friends with her. (True story. She helped cared for my girlfriend when her mom was away for a long time, or something like that, but the caring part is one hundred percent true.) My friend then said that she can try to reach her, if I wanted to. Of course I want you to. I told her yes, wanting her to send a message. I want to see if she can answer my friend or not and get an answer at last, but still empty handed after a while.

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