The Painless Result.

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Fast forwarding a bit here.

After a couple of days of being in school, and a couple of days after the breakup, my friend made a revelation that I saw coming. My friend said that he saw my ex kiss some other dude. A white, skinny, hillbilly boy. She said she hated those kind of people! What a fake face! I shouted outside the art classroom, "I knew it all along!" I just knew something was off recently with her.

The "what would be rumor" turned into reality, because I saw them. The most vivid memory that I remember was when I was in the parking lot. I started up my car to go home after school. I saw her, and the aforementioned new boyfriend she has. They held hands as they were walking, just like what we would do. I kept on thinking to myself, "He ain't like me. I'm clearly the better one. I mean, just look at him! Also, the people he hangs out with doesn't help that one bit for him." I drove out of the parking lot, still observing them and going their direction, driving. Turns out, he can't drive, because he walked her home. He probably lives close to her. Ha, that's the only way she can go to her boyfriend's house. I just found that funny, because she was literally leaving the evidence to me just so she could see me mad. It's not that easy, let me tell you that. You were the one making yourself the bad person, not me.

After that, my ex posted on her story of a picture of her with the caption, "If you are going to look at me, then say something." (Not accurately quoted.) It was an obvious stab towards me. I had to defend myself! Once again, I bought in my sister for help. She suggested that I say, "If you want someone to talk to you, you come over and say something about it." (Again, not accurately quoted.) And that I post it with a picture of me looking nice. Bet. So I did it, and felt like I got her. You ain't manipulating me this time! Shortly after, my ex messages me with the post. My ex said, "That ain't about you bud." Then, she sent another message. "Look, I thought I could be more mature about all of this, but I'm going to block you. You are a great guy, and hope you have a great life." I hope you do too, but I can't bring myself to say that to you now, because of all the damage you did to me. I'll let you be. We're on our own road now.

Goodbye... forever.

And as for the theory, it got debunked simply by looking at their house. We pass by there every time we have an away game for basketball. When I came back to school with the team, I saw that the soon-to-be father's car is still there, and it still is to this day. Well, it was worth the theory.

He was also rude to my mother at the store, but mom knows best about those situations.

My friends got more information on the dude. And one of my friends got so heated up against her, he literally called her a hoe! Yikes... I would've accepted cheater, but hoe? That's not acceptable! Well, at least my friends are willing to do anything to make me feel better and go past the grief. Other people who are great friends of mine, and some of the ones with my ex, said that I was obviously the superior boyfriend compared to the one my ex is with now. A couple of people who are faculty in the school also said that it was her loss. Thank you! Y'all understand me! Y'all would've understood more if I gave y'all more intel, however, which I'm willing to tell y'all more, if y'all like. That boosted it to the max, and now I'm me again!

Of course, there are some of her friends that are always on her side, which they haven't heard of the whole story. I'll be the one to show them.

I still want to know what she really said about me to her "friends."

And what her mom said to her...

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