Chapter 1

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It was just an ordinary day in Ninjago for the Ninja and I. Jay and Zane were playing video games, Cole was cooking, Nya was building some kind of mech, and Lloyd was meditating. Meanwhile, I was training in the training room.

The room was relatively large, and was filled with obstacles of many shapes and sizes. Some were as simple as stepping stones, while others were quite complicated with chains that had spiky objects hanging from them. Most of the obstacles could spin, and sweep you from right underneath your feet. A timer was sitting on a counter that stood beside me. I set the timer, and breathed in, and then out. I stared down the obstacle course with my emerald-green eyes. I could almost feel the fire within them.

As the timer beeped, I bolted into a sprint. I jumped up on the first stepping stone and then to the next. When I got to the highest stepping stone I slipped a little, but quickly regained my footing. Next, was a bunch of hurtles lined up one in front of the other. When I got to the first hurtle, I bent my legs to gain power. Then like a horse jumping over a fence, I jumped high over the first hurtle with amazing speed and grace. My long legs stretched over that hurtle, and for a brief moment I felt incredible freedom. The light breeze as I flew through the air combed through my spiky hair. I landed as gracefully as a cat right on top of my feet. From one hurtle to the next I leaped like a leopard until I had leaped over every hurtle. I then unsheathed my katanas as I ran towards the final obstacle.

It spun around like a tornado with objects flying out from all angles. It had long chains with spiky objects that looked like maces hanging off of its long, wooden arms. My katanas glistened in the bright sunlight as I charged towards the obstacle. Anyone would be able to see the bright-red handles and golden hilts from afar. The first chain came swinging around toward me at an incredible pace. With my quick reflexes I raised a katana, and it hit the spiked end with a loud clang! I knocked each and every chain out of my way until the obstacle stopped spinning.

I had finished the course and I stopped the timer with a beep. "I have beat Jay's record! FIRYAAAAA!!!!!" I shouted with joy. I then ran down the hallway to where Jay and Zane were playing some sort of crazy video game. I slowly creaked open the wooden door and peaked inside.

"Zane! Quite beating my records! I am supposed to be the gaming master!" Shouted Jay, and Zane stared at him innocently.

"I have won again." Said Zane with no enthusiasm whatsoever. This is when I walked in.

"Hey Jay! Zane isn't the only one who has beat your records. I just beat your speed record on the obstacle course! Oh yeah! In yo face!" I said with a confident grin across my handsome face. Jay glared at me angrily, and stomped off down the hall. I turned to Zane with a hand raised, and he high fived me. At that moment, Cole walked into the room.

"It's supper time!" He said loudly. We then all ran down the hall to the dinner table. My sister, Nya was there, and so was Lloyd and the others including Sensei Wu. We ate wonton soup for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious. Although, I added some hot sauce to it to add some kick to it.

"Ahhhhh... The spicy life is for me." I said in a satisfactory tone. I gobbled up the soup until there wasn't a drop of it left in the bowl. "That soup was delicious Cole. You've definitely improved your cooking skills." I said.

"Thanks Kai!" Said Cole happily.

"Who's turn is it to do the dishes?" Asked Jay.

"I'm pretty sure that it's your turn Jay, because I did dishes last time." Said Zane calmly.

"Since when?!" Shouted Jay. "I am certain that it's Kai's turn to do the dishes!"

"No it's not!" I said angrily as my hand curled into a fist and lit on fire. "First of all, I hate water! Secondly, I am sure that I dried the dishes last time after Zane had washed them! What about Cole?!"

"Well I cooked, so it can't possibly be my turn." Responded Cole. "It must be Lloyd's turn."

"No... Isn't it Nya's." Said Lloyd.

"I know how we can settle this..." Said Nya. "One... Two... Three... Not it!"

"Not it!" I said as quickly as possible.

"Not it!" Said Zane.

"Not it!" Said Cole.

"Not it!" said Lloyd.

"Not it!" Said Wu, and everyone turned to stare at Jay.

"Awwww... Why me?" Said Jay. "You at least have to give me some kind of warn..." He was then cut off by Wu's strict voice.

"Enough is enough!" Yelled Wu as he slammed his staff down on the table. "Lloyd your washing, and Jay your drying!" He ordered. After everything was cleaned up, I went to the television room to watch an hour of Voltron. I was at the part where Keith had just found out that he was part Galra. This is such a good show. I thought. Keith and Lance remind me of myself.

Once I was tired, I headed upstairs to my bedroom. I instantly collapsed into my comfy bed. The red sheets encased my lifless body as I fell into a deep sleep.

The air was cold and a cool breeze swept through my hair. I stood in the middle of what looked like an empty dessert of nothingness. The grey ground was a graveyard without a plant to be found. The only plants were dead, and as black as the night sky above. There were no stars because the sky was heavily coated with smog. Where am I? I thought. "You are in the future..." Said a deep evil voice that sounded somewhat familiar. "You don't know who you truely are, Kai. However, I know who you are... Who you truely are... The end has come..."

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed. I looked at my alarm clock, and it was only 1:00. "It was just a dream." I said to try and relax myself. "Just a dream..." With that I slowly drifted off back to sleep.

The Adventures Of Kai: VanishedWhere stories live. Discover now