Chapter 5

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I looked behind me and a large grizzly bear stood there staring straight into my eyes. I lit one of my hands on fire so that I was able to see the beast. Its fur was long and brown, yet it appeared to be tattered and shaggy. Its eyes were as black as black holes. "Let's just back away... Slowly..." I said shakily to Skylor as I began backing up with my arm in front of her. The bear then stood up on its hind legs and let out a long thunderous roar. Its black spear-like claws lashed out to scratch Skylor, but without even thinking I leaped in front of her as the claws met the right side of my face.

"Kai!" Shouted Skylor.

"I'm alright. Go grab your bow and arrows and I'll hold him off!" I ordered as blood trickled down my cheek.

"But Kai..." Said a concerned Skylor.

"Go!" I shouted and with that, Skylor bolted towards the tent. I unsheathed my katanas and charged at the beast at full speed. It lifted one of its massive arms which came slamming down towards me. Luckily, one of my katanas was there to block the bear's blow. The blade of my katana cut into its flesh, and the bear let out a frustrated roar. Wait a minute... That wasn't flesh that I saw on the bear's arm. It was wires! This bear is a robot!

Skylor stood a few feet from the bear and sent an arrow flying towards its chest to wear the heart should be, but it stuck there in the bear's chest and proved to be inaffective. "I think we're gonna have to use our powers!" Shouted Skylor.

"Okay." I agreed as I lit both of my hands on fire. I then sent a fiery blaze spiraling towards the bear which roared as it came out of the palms of my hands. The bear's fur then burst into flames to reveal the steel beneath. "Wow, he sure is flammable! Just like a firecracker!" I shouted.

"The floor is lava in five, four, three, two, one!" Shouted Skylor as she used the elements of fire and Earth to turn the ground beneath the bear's feet into lava. Skylor and I stared at the metallic bear as it began to melt in the lava pit.

"Skylor, you might want to come see this." I said as the fire encasing the bear revealed a symbol underneath it's fur. It appeared to be a purple snake wrapped around a yellow fish.

"I've seen this before..." Said Skylor. "The purple snake is an anacondra like the one tattooed on my back, but I have know idea what the yellow fish is. Do you know anything about this yellow fish?"

"No." I responded trying to hide the big slash across my face. "Do you think that this is Chen's doing?"

"It has to be. He must've gotten out of the cursed realm somehow." Replied Skylor. "Ohhhh, and Kai we need to fix that cut. Let me see." Demanded Skylor.

"No!" I refused. "I'm fine, honestly."

"No your not Kai! It's still bleeding! Now, let me see." She said.

"Fine..." I surrendered as I rolled my eyes.

"Sit here." Skylor said as she gestured towards the log, and I sat down. She then walked to the tent and came back with a wet cloth. She put her fingers underneath my chin and said, "this might sting a little." Skylor lightly touched the cloth to my forehead, and I let out a painful grunt and pulled my face away. "Hold still." She said in a bit of a frustrated tone, and I held still as she lightly dabbed the cloth on my face. It stung real bad but soon after the stinging sensation, came a soothing sensation.

"Do you really think that it was Chen who kidnapped my friends?" I asked.

"Probably, because it sure sounds like my father to send an angry metal bear after us. He comes up with all kinds of crazy ideas." Replied Skylor. Chen is Skylor's evil dad, and he is a complete psychopath that kidnaps elemental masters and places them on an island where they are forced to fight each other. At least that's what happened to me and the other Ninja the last time that I saw him.

"But why would he do such a thing?!" I said angrily.

"I have no clue, and will you just calm down Kai!" She said equally angered, and I sighed. "Hold this on your wound for a while." Suggested Skylor as she passed me the cloth. I looked behind me and noticed that the bear has completely melted away. There was literally nothing left.

"Well, we sure slayed that mighty beast pretty good." I said proudly.

"We sure did." Responded Skylor. "You know, it was very heroic of you to sacrifice yourself like that."

"No problem. I was just doing my job as a Ninja, and saving damsels such as yourself." I replied grinning.

"Kaiiii... I could've taken that bear down by myself." Stated Skylor confidently. "I am the most powerful elemental master after all."

"I know that. I was just teasing ya." I said with a wink. "Hey, could you go grab my mirror please?" I asked casually.

"Sure, why?" Questioned Skylor.

"I want to see my wound." I replied.

"Are ya sure about that, because I don't think that you're going to like it." Skylor said.

"Just let me see." I answered. When she had given me my mirror, I looked at my wound which had stopped bleeding. It was a massive scar that started at my forehead then went across my eye and down my cheek. "Perfect." I said sarcastically. "Now my handsome face is ruined!"

"I still think that you are handsome." Said Skylor gently as we both blushed.

"Well I guess battle scars are kinda cool." I said, and then I yawned.

"I believe that it is time for bed now, sleepyhead." Said Skylor.

"I agree. We have a long journey ahead of us." I replied. We took no time to brush our teeth, and we didn't even think about getting changed. I unzipped the tent and we hurried inside to get cozy and warm in our sleeping bags. I passed out as soon as I was snug into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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