Chapter 3

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Finally, I had reached my destination. A massive sign that read Chen's Noodle Hut with a big guy eating noodles on it looked down on me. I parked my motorcycle right in front of the restaurant, and swung my legs off of it. I often stop by this restaurant, not only to eat the delicious food but to talk to Skylor. She is a good friend of mine. Well, maybe a little more than just a friend. She has long, red hair which she ties up into a ponytail everyday. Her skin is almost as tan as mine, and her eyes are as golden as a gold medal. She is absolutely gorgeous. Anyway, I opened the door to the restaurant and stepped inside.

I chose the corner table which was right beside a window. The seats were as red as my Gi, and they were quite comfy. The table was a dark brown colour that was almost black, and it was wooden. I picked up the menu, looked through it a bit, and decided that I would go with my usual. "Can I take your order?" Asked a smooth voice. I looked to my left and Skylor stood right there with her golden eyes looking straight into mine. I felt mesmerized.

"Hey pretty girl." I said charmingly with a wink.

"Kaiiii..." She said as she blushed a little bit. "Now, may I take your order?" She asked again.

"I'll have the usual." I replied.

"The steak noodle soup with extra hot sauce?" Asked Skylor.

"Make it real spicy for me girl." I said charmingly with another wink again.

Skylor giggled a bit as she wrote down my order and said "I just love your sweet yet spicy toungh, Kai." With that, she walked away and entered the kitchen.

She sure is something, I thought. Not to long after Skylor had taken my order, she returned with my soup. She placed the bowl in front of me, and she then sat down on the seat across from me.

"So... Why are you here?" She asked me.

"I am here to eat lunch and to see you of course." I answered.

"Kaiiii... Quit playing with me. I can tell by the look in your eyes that you are here for another reason." Skylor said.

"Alright... I am here to request your assistance on this mission to find the Ninja." I replied.

"What exactly happened?" Asked Skylor.

"Well... They have mysteriously vanished. Sensei Wu and I believe that they were kidnapped by a villain." I replied.

"Do you know who kidnapped them?" She asked.

"No. All that the security cameras were able to capture was a dark shadowy figure." I replied.

"I'll help you on your mission. Even if it means my life, I'll stick by your side no matter what. I realize how important the Ninja are to you." Stated Skylor.

"I thank you for your loyalty." I said.

"Where do we start?" She asked.

"Let's start at the Destiny's Bounty. We can search for any clues there that Wu, and I haven't noticed before." I suggested.

"Okay, but I don't have a ride since I walked to work today." Said Skylor.

"You can ride with me if you'd like." I offered.

"I'd love to, Kai." Accepted Skylor as she stood up.

"Wait! Shouldn't I pay first?!" I asked.

"It's on the house for you Kai." Skylor said kindly.

"Thanks." I replied. "Now, let's go!" We then swung the restaurant doors open and headed towards my motorcycle. When we got there I asked, "would you like a helmet?"

"Do you wear one?" She asked back.

"Nope." I replied shaking my head. "I prefer to live the spicy life!"

"Well then guy dangerous, I don't want one either." Said Skylor in a sassy tone.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Yes, Kai. You don't have to worry about me, because I'm a tough girl." She said still in a sassy tone, but a bit angrily. "Let's go!"

"Okay." I said as I swung a leg over the black leather seat of my motorbike. "Now grab on and hold on tight!" Skylor sat down behind me and grabbed onto my shoulders. Her hands were as warm as my own skin. I started up the bike, and we were off! We rode down the streets of Ninjago City, and back onto the dusty dirt road that led to the Destiny's Bounty.

The ride felt like hours, but it felt good to be so close to Skylor. We were silent the whole way, but Skylor had wrapped her arms tight around my chest. She rested her head on my shoulder and sent a heat wave radiating between us. I forgot to mention that she too has powers, but not exactly fire powers like mine. Skylor is the master of amber, which means she can absorb the powers of any other master. Don't worry she didn't steal the powers, because the masters still have their powers myself included.

We had finally reached the Destiny's Bounty. When we got inside I called for Sensei Wu, but there was no answer. "Sensei Wu!" I called.

"Sensei Wu!" Called Skylor.

"Where could he possibly be?!" I shouted in a frustrated tone.

"What's this?" Asked Skylor as she ripped a note off the wall which was pinned down by a knife.

"Let me see!" I said angrily, and Skylor handed it to me. I began to read it:

Dear Kai,

There is so much about yourself that you don't know. There is so much power within yourself that you haven't yet unlocked. I will be able to teach you how to control these powers, and how to use them. I know so much about your father that you'd probably like to hear.

See you soon,

An Old Enemy

P.S. If you ever want to see your friends and beloved Sensei again, then meet me at the fire temple.

"I don't like it." Said Skylor who had been reading the note over my shoulder. "This could be a trap."

I rolled the note and tucked it under my belt. "I don't care!" I shouted as I curled my hands into fists and they lit on fire. "We must go!"

Skylor put a hand on my shoulder and said. "I know that I can't change your mind, but you must relax." She then planted a kiss on my cheek. My red face turned pink, and I relaxed my hands.

"Are you still with me?" I asked, my voice a little shaky.

"Yes." Skylor replied. "Till the end."

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