Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! I woke up in a flash, and slammed my hand down on the button to shut my alarm clock off. The sun was shining bright through the bright red curtains of my room. The sunlight reflected off the golden decals on the blankets of my bed. The decals were Chinese Dragons that crawled up the blankets and onto my pillow. I rubbed my eyes and said, "what a rough night." I slowly creeped out of my bed, and I put on my red Gi that had yellow and black streaks crisscrossing around the shirt. My Gi was covered in dark red diamonds from head to toe. Then I tied my black belt around my waist, which took hardwork and dedication to earn. I then opened the door and headed to the washroom.

When I got to the washroom, I took out my red comb and started combing through my spiky hair. My hair was a dark brown, and it was spiked so that it looked like a flame ontop of my head. When I was finished combing my hair, I picked up the hair gel bottle and applied some to my hair to maintain its shape. I was able to see my reflection in the mirror in front of me, and I took in my handsome features. My face was perfectly angular, and my skin was well tanned but not to tan. My eyes were so green, yet they had golden flecks in them that looked like flames. I then headed to the table and as I walked down the hallway, the wooden planks creaked beneath my feet.

Sensei Wu was the only one sitting at the table, and his blue eyes were filled with sorrow as he stroked his long, white beard. I approached him and asked, "what's wrong?" He glared at me with those wise but sad eyes.

"All of the Ninja except for you have mysteriously vanished." He said sadly. "I checked the security cameras, and all that I was able to spot was a dark shadow of some unknown figure. My guess is that it is a villain of some sort."

"Did they take Nya too?!" I asked angrily trying to process this.

"Yes." Said Wu calmly.

"Noooooo! No one touches my sister!!!!" I yelled. "How dare they kidnap her and my friends!" When I say friends, I mean more like family. The Ninja became more like a family to me and my sister, since we had believed that our parents were dead for a long time.

"Kai, you must go on a mission to find the rest of the Ninja." Ordered Wu. "However, you are going to need someone to assist you on your quest."

"Who?" I asked. "There aren't any more Ninja."

"Is there..." Said Wu as a mysterious expression crossed his face. "There is one who is worthy, and she is a crime fighter."

"Who?" I asked again. "Give me another hint Sensei!" I demanded. Let's just say that Wu had a way with words, and he would rather make it more like a riddle when he says things rather than just spitting it right out.

"She is probably the most powerful elemental master of all..." Said Wu as he waited for my answer.

"Oh! Skylor!" I answered with joy.

"Yes." Replied Wu with a slow nod.

"There isn't anyone that I'd rather go on a mission with!" I said with excitement. I ran down the hall and into the garage where I kept my motorcycle, which looked different than most motorcycles because it was built for battle. It was bright red with orange flames cascading all over it, and it had massive black wheels. Golden blades stuck out from the sides which almost blinded me in the bright sunlight. For even though there was only one window, the golden blades just happened to be right under it. I pressed the button to open the garage, and then swung a leg over the bike. I started up the bike and drove out of the garage, and at the very same time I pressed the button on the garage door opener. The garage slowly dropped and hit the ground with a huge bang!

As I was riding away on my motorcycle, I looked behind me at the Destiny's Bounty. My sister and Jay had added quite a few improvements to it such as the garage, which was filled up almost completely with our "toys". They also made the training room larger, and they added other technological advancements such as the security system. Although, the security system still needs a bit of work.

My motorcycle roared down the road from the Destiny's Bounty. The Destiny's Bounty was currently located in a dessert like place of Ninjago, which looks like Australia in your world. It was quite convenient since the massive canyon did a good job of hiding the Destiny's Bounty. Although, the road that led to Ninjago City was narrow and extremely dusty. The dust drifted up and into my face as I rode down the road on my flaming motorbike. I had to close my eyes because it was that bad, so I pulled my Ninja mask up to block out some of the dust. However it only offered so much protection. It also made me feel very hot in both ways.(; Anyway, back to the story. The bright burning sun was beating down on me hard as I prepared to enter Ninjago City.

Ninjago City was the beating heart of Ninjago, and it lied right in the center of Ninjago. The gigantic skyscrapers loomed over me as I road down the streets of Ninjago. They made me feel insignificant, like I was only one small person in this big, wide world. I turned left, and then right on my motorbike scanning for a large sign that says Chen's Noodle Hut. Suddenly, I looked in front of me and there was an elderly women crossing the street with a walker. I don't have time for this! I thought. I went full speed and jumped my motorcycle right over her.

"Slow down young man!" She shouted with a fist waving in the air at me.

"Sorry!" I replied. "I am in a bit of a rush." With that, I continued searching for the sign that says Chen's Noodle Hut.

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