Chapter 4

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"It's a long journey to the fire temple from where we are." I said to Skylor. "There is currently not enough fuel for the Destiny's Bounty, so we'll have to use the other vehicles to get there. Plus, I don't know how to fly the ship. We need a tent, sleeping bags, pillows, extra fuel, weapons, extra clothes, and anything else that we may need. Oh yeah! We also need lots of food and water. However we may have to hunt and gather at some point, because the storage compartments on the vehicles only have so much space."

Once we had put everything that we needed in a few bags, we then headed to a closet packed full of weapons. I swung the doors of the closet open, and it was filled up with any weapon that could be thought of. I chose a large golden sword as my weapon of choice. I had made most of the weapons in this closet, for I was a blacksmith before I had become a Ninja. I still make all sorts of weapons to this very day. Anyway, the sword was a replica of the golden fire sword. I can still light this one with my fire powers, eventhough it is not the exact same one. It has a dragon head at the hilt, and the dragon head appears to be spitting fire up the blade. I also put on some armour that my two katanas hung from. Skylor chose a brown bow and a quiver of arrows. She also tucked some knives under her belt, and I did the same. I put some extra weapons in a bag and we headed towards the garage.

"We should take this monster truck-buggy looking thing that my sister built." I said as I traced my right hand along the door of the buggy. It was decently massive, and it had huge black wheels that looked like the wheels off of a monster truck. Also, it was red in colour with golden decals of the Samarai X symbol, for my sister was a Samarai before she officially became a Ninja.

"Just this?" Questioned Skylor.

"No, not exactly." I replied. "It has a huge storage compartment for all the bags, and motorbikes can attach to it. This buggy is also able to shift into any other vehicle like a jet, or a boat."

"Fascinating... Do you actually know how to drive this though?" Challenged Skylor.

"Of course I do! I am the best at driving!" I said confidently with my hands in fists on my hips, and my head held high.

"Really? Are ya sure about that?" Said Skylor smoothly as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Definitely!" I said with a smile as I looked into her golden-amber eyes.

"I'd like to see you try!" Challenged Skylor sassily. "I've seen you get road rage, speed, and then crash because you got so mad!"

"Don't worry I'll protect you m'lady." I said chivalrantely. "I would never crash a car or any other vehicle as long as you're on it." I then planted a kiss on her forehead and she blushed a little bit. I then opened the door of the buggy for her, and helped her inside.

When we were both inside the buggy Skylor said, "you know I can protect myself, Kai."

"Of course I know that, but I just don't want to see you get hurt because I..." I stammered. "I..."

"You what?" Asked Skylor.

My confidence suddenly drained right out of me. I just didn't have the courage to say it so I said, "never mind." Then, I fired up the buggy and we were off! Skylor suggested that we should take the road through the forest rather than the dessert road, and I agreed.

The forest road was made out of gravel. I could imagine the little pebbles getting stuck in the large tread of the tires. The trees towered over us, and they danced a little in the slight breeze as we drove by. On, and on we drove as the tree branches lightly scraped the sides of the buggy. When it was noon, we stopped for lunch. I brought some simple sandwiches for Skylor and I, because let's just say that I'm not the best chef in the world. 

"These are delicious for sandwiches." Stated Skylor.

"Yeah, it's the one thing that I can make right for food. Although, I feel as if that it's missing something." I said as I squirted some hot sauce into my sandwich. Skylor looked at me with the most disgusted expression ever. "What? The spicy life is for me!" I said happily. Skylor rolled her eyes and she continued eating her sandwich.

A couple hours later while we were driving down the forest road, the sun began to set. We were only able to see a touch of it through the dense forest. "I believe that it's time to set up camp for the night." I said to Skylor who agreed with me. I hit the breaks and I hopped out of the buggy with the tent in hand. Skylor and I worked together to set up the tent which took no time at all thanks to Skylor's powers. She had used the element of gravity to assist us. We managed to blow up the inflatable mattress, and set up our sleeping bags before the sun set. We then gathered up some wood, and by the time we were finished gathering wood, the sun had finally set. I raised the palm of my right hand and lit the fire with my power.

Skylor and I sat on a log since I forgot to pack chairs. We sat there silently for a while just staring at the fire. The flames seemed to dance in the fire pit. Slowly, I scooted closer to Skylor so that my fingertips lightly brushed hers. She noticed this, and she scooted closer to me. I then slowly wrapped an arm around her, and she rested her head on my shoulder. In that moment, I began to think of the other Ninja. I dropped my head and stared sadly at the ground.

"I can tell that you miss them a whole lot." Skylor said assuringly as she massaged my neck. "Don't worry Kai, we'll find them. I promise."

"Thanks, babe." I said and she blushed at my comment. "You are easy to talk to, and I like that about you."

"I enjoy talking to you too Kai, but you know what I would enjoy more?" Said Skylor in a dreamy tone.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"This..." With that Skylor placed her lips on mine, and we kissed for a while. I could feel myself getting hotter due to my fire powers which reacted a little to the kiss. Skylor seemed to heat up too.

"I love you, Kai." She whispered. As soon as she said that I blushed, I finally found the courage to say what I was going to say to her earlier.

"I lo-" I was then cut off by a low growl...

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