Sick Day

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Since the day of her little 'breakdown' in the woods, Adora mostly stayed in her room, not really able to do much else since her stitched up back was still healing. That and Glimmer had basically forbidden her from doing anything that would cause further injury to herself, begging her not to push herself harder than what her body was willing to give, and oddly enough, Adora found herself unable to say no to the princess.

"I'll be fine, Glimmer," she tried to reassure, even though the thought of being left alone in the castle while her friends were off on a relief mission was less than pleasing, "Go ahead... I have everything I need here, okay?".

"I know," Glimmer pouted, "But I'm still worried about you,".

If Adora was being honest, it still didn't make a lot of sense as to why both Bow and Glimmer cared so much, never in her life had anyone been so concerned over her wellbeing. This was the first time in her life she felt genuinely cared for... loved even. Sure Catra had occasionally- she stopped her thoughts there not wanting to do for that rabbit hole of emotions. Anytime Adora thought of Catra, she could never get herself out of the odd state of mind, unable to decipher is Catra was still someone she cared about or just another enemy on the battlefield.

"I'll be okay, I promise. Swear on my life," she continued, holding up a hand in a pledge of sorts.

Glimmer almost immediately took hold of the other girl's hand and put it down. "I'd prefer you not swear of your life, Adora. How about just a pinky swear?".

She blinked, "Pinky swear?".

"It's... it's just like a promise for best friends, and you can't break them," the princess said, taking her hand once again and hooking their pinkies together, "I mean... you can, there are no real rules against it, but you shouldn't... am I making sense?".

Adora nodded, hoping Glimmer didn't notice how red her face was now that they were technically holding hands. "Yeah... I think I get it," she mutter, just staring down at their hands for a moment before offering the girl a timid smile, "It's like an oath, right?".

She looked thoughtful for a second before nodding. "Basically. So, you're sure you'll be okay? And you won't try to sneak out to help us?".

Adora already had her mouth open, ready to protest, but she quickly shut it, realizing that that is exactly something she'd do. "I- I won't... I promise," she said, shaking her hand along with Glimmer's to confirm the pact, "You have my word,".

"Okay... I believe you. Just... tell me you'll get help if you need it? I know you're a bit wary of the guards and staff, but you can always go to my mom if you need anything".

Adora almost laughed, not sure who she was more scared of, the guards or the queen. She'd never admit it to anyone, let alone Glimmer, but Queen Angella terrified her, knowing that if she ever did something wrong, or jeopardized anyone in the rebellions lives, she would have her head. So, she just nodded and held her tongue, hoping she wouldn't actually need to go to Angella for anything, "Yeah... I- I'll do that,".

Glimmer paused for a moment and pulled her hand away, only to throw her arms around the taller blonde and embracing her, "Well see you after the mission then, alright?".

Adora held back a yelp of surprise, still not entirely used to all the affection her friends showered her with, but, as always, she gladly returned it the best she could. "Of course... I'm not going anywhere," she muttered, subconsciously nuzzling her face against the other girl's soft hair as she hugged her back, "Just... be safe, okay? Promise you won't overdo it?".

"I promise," Glimmer replied, "The Horde is no match for us now. We're going to win this in the end, Adora... I just know it. Now please promise to take care of yourself... you've been off these last few days... are you sure you're okay? You're not in any more pain?".

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