Lean On Me

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With only the ever so slight brightening sky to illuminate the castle hallways, Glimmer quietly made her way to Adora's room, both unable to sleep and wanting to check on her friend after she finally recovered from being sick and injured.

It had barely been a week since the healer had deemed the blonde 'fit for battle' and the very first thing she wanted to do was start training again, to make up for the time she lost. Quote "I need to be able to help you guys if the Horde decides to attack again,". Except, the Horde hadn't attacked anywhere in Etheria since Bright Moon, which Glimmer understood was where Adora's paranoia and need to be prepared came from, so she did her best to reassure her friend that there was nothing to worry about.

"You need to take it slow, Adora," The smaller girl had told her, " The Horde isn't going anywhere any time soon, unfortunately, so there'll be time for you to build your strength again before the next fight,".

Of course, Bow had backed her up, worried out of his mind when he discovered Adora had taken ill, advising against training so early on in her recovery, wanting Adora to still take it easy instead of pushing herself to train harder than what she was ready for.

"We're just looking out for you, Adora, " he'd added, "that's what friends are for".

But, once she set her mind to something, there was hardly any stopping Adora from accomplishing a task.

That's something Glimmer admired about Adora though... she never gave up.


Almost never...

It was clear that Adora's nightmares were back, or she was remembering more things about her past, which was usually why she trained so hard and didn't sleep, using exercise as a distraction. But it wasn't a healthy coping technique, and Glimmer hoped she wasn't going to hurt herself in the process.

So, with a small sigh, the princess knocked on the other girl's door, already hearing small movements from within the room.

"Adora?" she said, "Are you awake?".

The movement continued for a moment, and after a small thud and quiet cuss, Adora finally opened the door, a timid smile gracing the blonde's lips. "Glimmer? W- what are you doing up?".

"I could ask you the same thing...".

Her face went red for a moment as she turned away, "I um... I couldn't sleep, y- you know the usual?".

Glimmer nodded understandingly, concern still clear on her face, "I couldn't sleep either... so I decided to come over and make sure you were okay,".

Adora blinked, "Why wouldn't I be okay?".

The princess just stared at her for a moment, causing the other girl to blush again.

"Oh, right... nightmares,".

"Did you have a nightmare?" Glimmer asked, "You're never up this early".

"I...no, no nightmares this time, not really anyways. I just... *sigh* I'm-" she replied, pausing for a moment, as she fidgeted nervously in the doorway, "I... do you want to come in? I dont exactly feel like being alone right now, and since you're up...".

"You want me to sit with you for a while?".

She nodded with a small, defeated sigh, "Y- yeah...if that's okay,".

Glimmer smiled a bit, still finding it odd to see Adora's more timid and shy side. But given her past and the things she went through during her short time living in Bright Moon, she couldn't blame her for being a little scared to open up. Still, she was glad that her friend felt comfortable enough to talk to her and Bow, even if it wasn't often.

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