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And I'm kissing you lying in my room
Holding you until you fall asleep
And it's just as good as I knew it would be
Stay with me I don't want you to leave


"Adora?" Glimmer said, gently knocking on the door leading into the blonde's room, "Can... can I come in?".

There was no response... not that that surprised her. Considering everything Adora had just been through, the princess couldn't exactly blame her... she'd have also locked herself away if their positions were reversed. But it had already been a few hours since they returned to Bright Moon, and the other girl's silence was starting to become more and more concerning.

Glimmer first noticed Adora's peculiar behavior after the healer, once again patched her up and gave her a months worth of or mandatory bed rest. The princess had fully expected the blonde to protest, or even pout at the sentencing, but... the girl had just nodded compliantly and followed along silently as they made it back to the castle, where the rest of the princesses eagerly awaited their return. Even then, surrounded by her friends who were utterly relieved to see her safe return, the smaller girl could tell that something was wrong. Of course, she knew that the fight had been rather traumatizing for her friend, but... there seemed to be something else bothering her, something else she was hiding.

But Adora being Adora... the princess knew that it would take some prying to figure out just what it was. All she could do was hope that the blonde trusted her enough to open up about whatever that was.

"You just... kinda disappeared after the council meeting, Bow and I were really worried about you," she continued, "I'm... I'm really worried about you,". Much to her annoyance, Angella had called for a meeting to discuss what had happened, and for some reason dragged Adora into it as well. She figured it had to do with returning her sword, but... she couldn't be too sure.

Still, the room on the other side of the door was eerily silent.

In truth, Glimmer hadn't been able to stop worrying, even though Adora was back home, safe and sound, albeit still injured. A concussion and a few bruised ribs didn't even seem to faze the blonde, the girl insisting that she was fine and had far worse injuries from training in the Fright Zone. Part of her really hoped that that was a lie, but given how much Adora herself didn't know/remember about the Horde's methods, she had her doubts.

With a heavy sigh, Glimmer leaned her head against the cold wooden door, wishing she could do something to get the other girl to open up... literally and metaphorically. She didn't want to cry anymore, she'd spent hours crying while Adora was still missing, and cried even harder when she found her, but the tears came anyway and the princess struggled to keep herself together.

"Please, Adora," she mumbled, "I just... I need to hear you say that you're okay. I'll leave you alone after that, i just need to hear you say it,".

But her words went seemingly unheard, the only response she got was that of her own voice echoing through the empty hallway.

"Please..." the princess said, unsure if she would ever be able to express how worried she was without revealing her true feelings... but maybe it was worth a try. "I need you, Adora... I need you here, with me ,".

Nothing changed, and Glimmer stood in silence, alone in her misery. She slowly wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to comfort her fraying nerves. Adora would come to her when she was ready, something the smaller girl knew she couldn't force, but it killed her inside not knowing what was ailing her dearest friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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