「 句読点」くとうてん Kutouten = Punctuation Mark
[Only for Japanese script]Ison: Do Japanese script system have their own Punctuation marks?
Miss Lia: OH, Thanks for mentioned it! I almost forgotten to tell the other student about it...
(U _ U; )
Ison: Yeay, Teach me!
Miss Lia: Okie, I will publish it now in Online Class~
We Always found = 「日本語」 in Script
. = 。
, = 、
/ = ・
- = 〜
? = ?(informal text)
! =!(informal text)
!~=〜!(informal text)
LOL= W ・ 草 (informal text)
If anyone want to add what I have missed
Please correct me~
「日本語」Japanese Lesson Book【Online class】
Não Ficção〘cover by me & Miss Makoto!~〙 This is Classroom!! And.... Most of this information is from Japanese lesson book from a university in Malaysia, Pahang「UMP」!! I have discover many Japanese lesson from this useful book. I buy it from their open day~ If...