Chapter 1- Nightmare

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"What kind of drink do you want?" Harry yelled across the room to Sam.

"Um, I'll have Coke if you have it."

"Yup." Harry pulled his head back to the kitchen of his apartment. Sam sat on his blue, velvet couch reading her romance novel she started in senior year and never finished. The air was worm and comforting as Sam pulled up the thin blanket she had overed her legs.

Harry and Sam stayed together after Harry had come to her window that night near the end of senior year 2 years ago. She loved him and wanted to be with him the rest of her life.

Harry walked back into the room and quietly placed Sam's drink on the table beside her without her noticing. He them wrapped his strong arms around her neck carefully and kissed her head. Sam looked up, grabbing his arm with her hand and kissed him.

Harry let go and moved to the TV. "So, what movie tonight? Nightmare on Elm Street, The Lucky One, or... Mean Girls?" Harry made an evil slash funny smile at Sam, holding the movies up. Sam got a chill as she smiled thinking of the choices.

She opened her mouth wide. "Gosh, I don't know! It's between Nightmare on Elm Street and Mean Girls." She sat there thinking for a moment then half smiled at Harry. "Nightmare on Elm Street.

"Feeling a little anxious tonight?" Harry asked jokily with a slight laugh.

Sam laughed. "Definitely."

Harry turned and started the movie. He walked back to the couch and pulled the blanket from Sam so he could share. He wrapped his arm around Sam again and whispered close in her ear.

"Don't fall asleep. But if you do, sweet dreams, babe," he said evilly with his hand slowly crawling up her led, trying to scare her. She whipped her head to face him and growled as the movie stared.

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