Part 2

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Natzu's P.O.V

Something is keeping me up why can I sleep. I sit up and look at the fire watching everyone sleep. Yes I know it sounds creepy but what else can I do. Then I smell it that smell I been looking for for 14 years..Igneel. I jump up scaring everyone but all I can do is mumble nothing except it's him. "What is wrong with you flame brain" Grey asks but all I can reply is "Igneel". I take off running while everyone is screaming my name and telling me to wait behind me. I can feel my self getting closer to him I can smell it I know he's close. When I reach where the smell is I'm confused. "Where is he" I pant out "IGNEEL!!!!!!!!" i scream. "Natzu he's not here" Lucy says behind me. I sniff the air the smell is still here "yes he is I can smell him out of no where I hear "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!" Everyone gets sent flying but me, I eat the fire and it tastes similar to mine just a little sweeter. When I'm done I look up and see a girl about 16 on fire and very angry. The words that came out of her mouth put everyone including me in shock. "Who are you and what do you want with my father?"

Unknown P.O.V

I can smell it it smells like a dragon slayer but it smells like my father. It cant be my father disappeared 14 years ago when I was three years old. I remember that day his voice his smell and the one tear he shed. "I'm sorry my daughter but I have to leave". My father found me in a cave specifically his cave someone left me there with a note taped to me that said "please raise her well this girl is a fourth gen dragon slayer she was born with dragon blood in her veins. She was kidnapped from her mother by scientist where they put melted lacrema in side her she will be one of the strongest dragon slayers alive she needs you." For some reason I remember everything the kidnapping the experiments everything. I remember reaching out to my father and touching his hard scales his red skin like fire but never burned his smell it smelled like home. Now I'm hearing his name being yelled by some stranger who smells like him who does this punk think he is? I get angry and feel my body heat up I feel my dragon scales appear and my eyes change my hair is flying everywhere then I let loose "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!!!" I see him eat my fire and his little comrades get blown away. I must have scared them because they all looked like they had seen a ghost. I decided to use civilized words so I asked "who are you and what do you want with my father".

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