Part 4

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Lucy's P.O.V

We're all running towards the shriek and come to a hault when we see this giant demon standing in from of me and two different flames flying at it. I see Natzu attacking it head on and the girl stopping her attacks, "she's just standing there why?" I ask, grey noticed to and he seems to wonder the same thing. He walks over to her and ask what's going on but she's not moving all of the sudden her eyes change they look kind of like dragon eyes. "I'm going to help Natzu, Recuip!!!" Erza yells. I look over at the girl and see her burst into flames she has this look in her eyes and evil look, she's looking at Natzu and I could swear she is going to attack him "NATZU LOOK OUT" I yell he gets distracted and gets hit by the demon. The girl looks at me pissed and shakes her head. Natzu looks at her and runs up to her its like they are talking telepathically I watch closely as he grabs and hand and he too lights up on fire the only difference is, is he doesn't have dragon eyes. I couldn't help but focus on what's happening Erza sees it to and moves away. We watch intently the two dragon slayers turn into a mountain of fire and you could swear you saw an actual dragon in the flames. They both breathed in really deep and roared "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!!!!!" the fire attack hit the demon and it stumbled. "Come on we have to hit it with everything we have " Erza yelled I nodded and summoned two of my spirits "OPEN YHE GATE OF THE LION: LEO!!!!" "OPEN THE GATE OF SEA GOAT: CAPRICORN!!!!!" both my spirits appeared "take him out boys!!" I yelled, all of us hit the demon with everything we had and it literally exploded.

Nari's P.O.V

"That stupid bimbo" I thought to my self. After the demon was defeated I looked at my newly found brother and this Raven haired boy who was kinda cute. "Hey flame brain wanna tell me who this is?" The boy said "I agree isn't this the same girl who tried to cook you" a Scarlett haired girl said. The blonde stayed back glaring at me, not that I cared who knows what she has. "I'm Nari Ignious Dragneel" I said Natzu had this big goofy smile "ya this is my little sister who knew right?!?" Natzu yelled excitedly. The Scarlett haired girl gave me a soft smile "well that is wonderful hopefully you aren't as rowdy as Natzu is I don't think the guild hall could handle it" she said then she introduced her self "I'm Erza Scarlett nice to meet you and this is Grey Fullbuster and over there is Lucy Heartfilia". I looked at Grey and smiled and looked at Lucy unimpressed I knew I wouldn't be fond of her but me being me I knew I had to at least be decent to her so I gave a half wave. "Wow Natzu your likeness is uncanny the same color hair minus the Scarlett spots on her roots and tips and her eyes other than that she looks like you" Erza said I smiled and looked down not used to the attention. A voice chimed in and I looked at the blonde as she said " well the job is done we should get back master would more than likely like to hear about her". Everyone agreed and started to walk off except Natzu he looked at me with a serious face " you don't have to go" he said " you could stay here or whatever you want to do just know if you need me all you have to do is roar" I felt a pull at my heart. What if this is what father would want maybe he would want me to be with Natzu. I really didn't want to be alone again. "I wanna go. Being with each other is what Igneel would've wanted don't you think?" I asked. He nodded took my hand and started walking towards his friends.

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