Little Ollie

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3rd person POV

Days in the town of Tree Melody are very gloomy and colorless as always. Never once is there a single bird singing. Nor a single child frolicking in the grassy fields. There is never enough sunlight to grow soft scented flowers. There were always just trees with leaves, soft fluttering of birds, and the sound of the wind. It is a normal Saturday morning with the cool breezes of March. 

There was a small boy walking across Milton Street with his mother. Both the boy's mother and him had Bright blonde hair. But you would not even be able to call their hair "blonde". It was practically yellow. Which is a shocker. Everyone else in the town of Tree Melody had bland brown or black hair. The boy's name was Len Kagamine. 

An enthusiastic and charming boy he was, he was no older than the age of seven. His mind was always drifting off into a deep colorful place called his Mind. There would be times when he is in math class and stare off into space. His teacher would catch him every time. He would do this during supper time with his family as well. He would always tell people that what he believed was true. Like fairies, dragons, and goblins. He even once told a full class of peers that he once saw a small baby monster in the left corner of his right shoe. No one would ever believe in the poor boy's stories. Soon, every day Len has been picked on by his peers, and especially, his twin sister. 

His twin sister's name is Rin. She used to be the best of friends with her endearing brother. But when she figured out that Len had "problems", she soon abandoned him. But not only that, but ridiculed him for believing in the supernatural. 

Len and his mother just came from the dentist to get one of Len's teeth filled in due to a cavity. "Len dear, I told you to not to hide sweets under your mattress. You know the sugar is bad for your teeth." Len's mother said sternly. "I am sorry but mummy my teeth hurt, may we PLEASE go to the toy store?" Len asked with pure excitement. Len dramatically cupped the lower half of his face to make it look like he was in pain. His mother sighs out of surrender. "Okay, fine. We can get a toy but as long as it under 75 cents." His mother said as she looked away from her son to look both way before crossing the street. Len smiled while walking with his mother to the toy store.

Len and his mother make it to the toy store. It was not a very colorful toy store but a bit more bright than the rest of the town. This is why Len likes the toy store so much. Not just for buying toys, but for the bright and happy vibe it gives off walking in. You could smell the glass polish of dolls, sand work on wagons, and colorful paint and ink. Len lit up completely and started jumping up and down. He quick looked at his mother. His mother made a signal with her hands telling him he can go wild. At that rate, Len was practically running around the whole store. Soon, Len used up all of his energy and started to slowly walk, admiring the stuffed animals and dolls looking down at him from the shelves. 

It took Len a while until a single toy has caught his eye. He could not figure out as to why this toy caught his eye though. It was a beat up doll with pail blonde hair. It was wearing a navy blue sailor's cloak with black shorts. Bandages were scattered on it's legs along with half of it's face. The face looked very lifeless. It did not exactly have a smile on it's face, but Len found the toy to be interesting. It was different from the others. Len's eyes quickly lit up and went to get his mother. He was running faster than usual in case another kid took it before him. He took the wrist of his mother and ran to the isle. "Mummy, I want THIS one. He looks sad, I want to take him home." Len said begging on his knees. 

His mother took a look at the doll he wanted and made a confused look. "Are you sure Len dear? The doll looks a little creepy." She said concerned. When Len heard this, he made puppy-dog eyes at his mother. Hoping his natural seven-year old charm would get him the doll. His mother yet again made a sigh in surrender.  "Okay Len, go ahead and take the doll off the shelf, I will be paying the toy maker." His mother said as she walked away from Len. Len took a look at the doll very closely. He noticed it's bright yellow eyes. Almost as bright yellow as his own hair. The eyes interested him. He gently took the doll off of the high shelf almost as if it were a baby. Len cradled the doll in his arms and slowly waked to his mother due to not being able to take his eyes off the doll. 

His mother payed, and they were off. His mother looked at Len looking happy. "What are you going to name the doll honey? His mother asked curiously. Len smiled at the thought and looked at his mother. "Mom, I am going to name the doll, Oliver...".

Author's note: I know that 75 cents isn't quite enough for a toy store. At least, in the modern days. Let me please note that this story is taken place in the 1950s. Hope that doesn't change how you see things too rapidly. 

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