The Goldfinch

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Oliver's POV

After a whole day of pack our things, Len's room was almost like a maze. We had boxes completely scattered around the room. But luckily Len and I made paths to the bed and the bathroom. I was sitting on the bed with Len getting changed for bed, while I was reading my book next to him.

I noticed that Len was done getting changed and transitioned himself into the blankets, with only his head peeking out. I decided to join him so I closed my book and turned off the lamp. I then put on fluffy shorts and burrowed myself into Len. He must be asleep. After a few minutes of starting to fall asleep, I felt a warm hand on the side of my face. I opened my eyes, but immediately closed them again. Because apparently, I'm not the only one that was bothered by the fact Len's mother 'interrupted' us. Len leaned in closer to my face causing our lips to meet. It was the same warm feeling I got on the night of the farewell party. But even then, did the feeling have to stop, because of a certain someone. I find them quite irritating. 

I wrapped my arms around Len's torso as he moved my head closer to his, deepening the kiss. Our lips were not moving in a rhythmical tone. They were not moving at all. We just enjoyed the company of each other in this state. I wanted more of Len's body warmth so I rolled Len over on his back and laid on top of him. I looked down at Len to see he was smiling. "Don't smile like that." I said covering my face with my hands. Len chuckled. "It's not my fault your so cute." Len said smiling. Hearing that made me give him a playful glare. Before he could make any more flirty comments, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips against his again. Len pulled the blanket back over the two of us up to my upper back. Then Len moved his hands from under the blanket and my shirt. His hands started to move in a rhythm on my back. After long moments of enjoying equal affection from each other, I started to fall asleep.


I started to feel a light on my face. It was the morning. But the light on my face was not the only thing bugging me, but I heard chirping from outside the window. The bird was non-stop. I could hear the bird hitting the window with it's wings. I decided I could not take the constant noise any longer. I honestly don't know how Len could sleep through such a racket. I got up off of Len and went over to the window. It was a yellow and black bird. I would guess that it is an American Goldfinch. I opened the window, and the bird flew through the room. "H-Hey! What are you doing in here?" I tried to say without waking Len. To my astonishment, the bird stopped flying around the room and landed on my shoulder. 

I wanted to see more of what the bird could do, so I held out my hand. The bird walked on my arm and down to my hand and looked into my eyes. He was making small chirping sounds while cocking his head side to side slightly. "You are really smart aren't you." I said smiling. I looked over and saw Len waking up. "Good morning Oliver." Len said with a smile. "Good morning Len! Look at this bird." I said holding a hand out while crawling onto the bed for Len to get a closer look. Len and the bird looked into each other's eyes for a moment. "What about it?" Len asked. "He was knocking on the window with his wings. And when I let him in, he did what I told him to. That is why he is not flying away." I said looking at the bird. 

"Do you want to keep it? He seems to like you." Len said smiling at me. "I-If It's not any trouble having a pet." I said awkwardly. "Of course not! What do you want to name it?" Len asked. "I will have to think about it." I said. "You can look around the house if you want." I said looking at the bird. And just like that, the bird jumped off my hand and flew out of the room. Len and I looked at each other and decided to follow the bird. And just as t was told, the bird flew in different parts of the main room looking around the house. "I wonder how he listens to you. How does he know English? Len asked looking astonished at the bird. 

"I have no idea. I told him to stop earlier, and he did." I replied. The finch looked around the whole house and sat himself back on my hand. He looked at me, then tried to nest himself in my hand. I cupped my other hand over him only revealing his head. His feathers started to puff up and down. He must be toasty in my warm hands. "He is so cute!" Len said looking at the finch. After a few moments of looking at the bird, I heard footsteps from behind me. "How did you get that bird?" Len's mother said behind me. "He was near the window, and he flew in. Oliver wanted to keep him so I said he could." Len said looking at his mother. "Oh, well alright. We will have to get him a cage to sleep in though." Len's mother said looking at the bird. 

After a few moments, the bird flew to eye level to me. It was at that moment, I could see his eyes. One of them was a bright red. "The demon." I said. "What do you mean?" Len asked. I held out my hand for the bird to land on it, and turned the bird to Len so he could see his eye. Len's eyes widened. 

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