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Oliver's POV

The timer has stopped and now the curse has lifted! I couldn't be any happier now that I can talk and move the way I did all those years ago. Does this mean that I am older than Len? Did time freeze while I spent fourteen years as a doll? But at the moment I did not have a care in the world if I could be fourteen years older than Len. 

It is very relieving to know that Len isn't scared of me or hate me. If I were him, I would. Len doesn't deserve someone like me. I made a deal with a demon and killed my Father. I am a monster. We still haven't let go yet. Len is still embracing me and I reacted with doing the same to him. I have never been hugged before. It may sound strange but I have never felt love from another human being in my entire life. Which is probably the reason I became a monster. Hunger can drive a person mad. Which is exactly what happened to me. 

After what seemed like ages, we parted from the hug. "Why do you still forgive me after what I did to my own father?" I asked confused. "Because like you said Oliver, they clearly did bad things to you. It has driven you to something you thought you would never do. Hey, um, are you hungry at all Oliver? He asked. He looked over to the night stand which seemed to have food on top. It looked marvelous. It was practically a thanksgiving feast. 

"Actually, now that I think about it, I am starving." I said placing a hand on my stomach. I was too distracted to realize how hungry I was. Len's face lit up and placed the beautiful tray of food on my lap. I simply couldn't wait to dig in. "You can go ahead and eat, my mother said that I should show our new butler around the house. My mother hired him yesterday." He said with a smile on his face. I can see why he is so excited to have a butler around the house. I remember when he was a little boy when he had chores. He absolutely hated it. But it is quite a big house. Len closed the door quietly and that left me alone in his enormous room with nothing but the feast on my lap. 

I started to gladly dig in. It was weird to think that it has been over fourteen years since I have eaten something. But being a doll was not much of a help. The tray had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing. He provided me apple cider and water for something to drink. This makes me wonder if this is the kind of food Len eats every day. I may have been one of the richest children in England, but I was never provided such catering from my parents. I finished the meal in about seconds. I wish I ate a bit slower because my stomach is now unsettling. I hear a knock at the door and then the door opened for me to see Len standing at the entrance of the room. He had a slight smile on his face.

"Hello Oliver, the Butler was quite nice! He is an older man so I thought he was going to be grumpy." He let out a chuckle. It was really nice seeing him happy like this. When he was a little boy, he was very depressed for a long time due to his father dying in the war. Seeing him happy made me smile back. "So, you finished your food? That was fast. You must have been very hungry." He said walking in and sitting down next to me on his bed. "I couldn't resist such a feast. And it has been a while since I have eaten food." I said. "Oh, I completely forgot about that, did the curse starve you? Did you feel hunger as a doll? Len asked. "Well, no I did not, but coming out of the curse is when I realized I haven't eaten in fourteen years." I said awkwardly. 

Len stopped looking into my eyes which seemed like for quite a while, and stared off into the distance of the room. It looked like he was thinking of something. He then stuck his finger in the air as if he just remembered something. "Oh! I remember what I was going to do." Len got out of bed and went into the bathroom leaving the door open. "I was going to run you a bath. I noticed you look a bit worn out and dusty as you did as a doll." He said from the bathroom. Now that I think about it. It has been some time since I have taken a bath. I got up out of bed and walked over to where Len was. "I was thinking while you are taking a bath, I could clean your clothes and give you an extra pair." He said turning on the water in the bath tub and checking the temperature with his hand. 

I watched him as he got out a towel and put it next to the tub and set soap on top. It felt nice being cared for. Especially by Len. Who I have known for so many years. But never could talk to  or contribute to our relationship. Once Len was finished preparing the bath for me, he headed out of the bathroom. "If you need anything, just tell me. I will be outside of the bathroom in my room. I will go prepare clean clothes for you." Len said as he walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him. This reminds me of the times when my parents only let me take a bath when told to, and to only use cold water so that they could have enough for their own bath. It caused me to find baths to be very uncomfortable. I lean down to feel the water with my hand. It was very warm. Just the way I like it. 

I quickly strip myself from my worn out and dusty clothes and got into the water. It was very relaxing. I turn my head to see the assortment of soaps Len has provided me. I see one that was bright yellow. I took the bottle and dumped a good amount near the flowing water. In an instant, there were large foaming bubbles layering on top of the water. I slid down to submerge myself in the water except for my head. I have never felt so much relief and relaxation in my life. 

Len's POV

Looking for clothes that would fit Oliver was quite difficult. All of my clothes were too big for him. And we had a yard sale earlier today. It seems almost as if we had the yard sale ages ago. A lot has happened tonight. I continue to look in the drawers. Until I see a box that is full of my old clothes. I must have forgotten to put it out for the yard sale. They look like they could fit Oliver a bit better than my previous clothing. I take out fluffy pants and a long sleeved shirt. I clean them one last time to make sure that they were not dusty in the box. I place them on the bed neatly and wait until Oliver was ready to come out. 

A while later I hear the water drain and Oliver stepping out of the tub. Next thing I knew Oliver opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. I quick covered my face with my book so he doesn't know that my face is heating up blushing deeply. "You can take the clothes that are on the bed Oliver, if they don't fit, just let me know I will find another pair of clothes for you to wear." I say with my face covered by my book. "Okay." Oliver said as I hear the clothes being ruffled. I peek from my book to see that Oliver is now fully clothed. 

I couldn't stop myself from thinking of how cute Oliver looks in my old clothing. I know how I said that the clothing would fit Oliver due to it being my old clothing that has grown out of me, but they still seem to be big on him. But not not to an uncomfortable point. The sleeves go down to the tips of his fingers along with the pant's pant legs traveling down to the floor. At least, they would be if he hadn't folded them at the ankle so that he could walk. "We should probably get to bed now. I have to go to school tomorrow but it will be a Friday so over the weekend, I can show you more around if you want." I said cheerfully. This made Oliver light up. "I would really like that!" Oliver said as he crawled into bed next to me. He got himself in the covers and into a comfortable state. 

"Um, Len, where are we?" Oliver asked. His face changed from cheerfulness to confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well, I was in London fourteen years ago. And I have been passed down toy store to toy store. I have no idea where I am in the world." Oliver said starting to look worried.  "Why, we are in Japan. I am sorry that it is so far away. I had no idea that you were being passed own from toy stores. I was wondering how you got here." I said. "It is alright Len, I have been looking forward to a future without my parents anyway." He said closing his eyes slightly. He seems to be getting tired. I reach my arm out to turn out the lamp. "Len? Do you ever get the feeling that, you wouldn't care if a certain person disappeared? Someone you have known for a long time?" The second he asked that question it made me realize how alike we are. I couldn't make eye contact due to there being no light in the room. 

"Actually, yes, yes I do. Well, at least, I did." I said. "Oh, wasn't it your sister? I remember you talking about how she ridiculed you. About how you believed in magic you said?" He asked. "No. I KNEW magic was real." I said. "Well, at least now you have proof." Oliver said. He was right! Oliver was my proof that magic really is real. "Yeah, I never thought of that before! But I won't take advantage of you as proof." I said. "I know you wouldn't." Oliver said in the middle of a yawn. I heard him mumble more words but I couldn't understand what they were. And just like that, Oliver was asleep. Fast asleep. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and whispered "Thank you." I felt my eye lids getting heavy. I closed them, and just like that, I was off to join Oliver's dreams.  

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