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There's water outside. Actually, there's water everywhere. He feels like a fish in an aquarium, only rather than being put on display, he's kind of just...there. Dropped in a tank because, somehow, that was where he belonged.

It's claustrophobic, but he can't do anything about it. Waking up in a strange place with no recollection of who he was should be terrifying, but, oddly, he was feeling rather docile. Almost like it was something he should be used to.

But he didn't want to think about that. It made his head hurt. Instead, he busied himself through movement - as much as he could anyway. His legs dangled in the air, his hands limp at his sides as the four tentacle-like arms in his back carried him across the shadowy threshold of his lab. There wasn't much to do, so he checked the systems of the machines, making sure every server was running pristinely, and when that was done, he rechecked technological systems to his mechanical arms.

His brain felt addled and putting together coherent thoughts was tough, but checking on the systems and machines felt like second nature. His tentacle arms seemed to work almost of their own accord as if they'd done this a thousand times already.

He was kinda sleepy, but something was nagging at his brain. A niggling thought that told him he was missing something.

He ran through a mental checklist of things he's already done, but it did nothing to reveal what he'd missed. He only woke up just a little while ago, right here in this la, with a single message telling him to sit tight until he was contacted. He couldn't remember anything that happened prior to his waking up, but he did know that it must've been something violent. His head was tender and wrapped tightly in a bandage, so he figured something concussive worthy had happened.

But all in all, he couldn't remember much.

He needed answers.

Almost as if on cue, the giant screen on the large wall near the front blinked, its systems booting up even though Otto hadn't turned it on. Moments later, the screen brightened and a face appeared, staring down at him.

Red hair, narrow chin, blue eyes - there was something very familiar about him. But it was something that also left a bitter taste on Otto's tongue.

"Ah, Otto," the man said. "you're awake. Good."

Otto...so that was his name? Otto inched toward him, "Who are you?"

"My name is Norman Osborn, and I'm your friend."

"Why...why am I here?" Otto turned, surveying the room. "Where is here?"

"You're in a disclosed safe location. Your previous lab was attacked and everything in it destroyed. I moved you here to keep you and your research safe from those who wish to take it."

Huh, perhaps he wasn't as bad as Otto previously thought. This man was obviously a man of science and discovery, like Otto himself must be. No wonder if knew his way around such technology. Besides, it just felt right.

Well, not completely. Someone had attacked him? Tried to steal his work? His research? The very thought was appalling.

"I take it you can't remember much," Norman continued, thoughtfully, "How unfortunate. But I'm sure that won't stop you from doing your best work."

Otto's head twinged as if the very thought of being worked was unpleasant. He nodded anyway, "Of course. Of course. My...memories are faulty. I don't remember much...but I - I will not be bogged down by ailments."

Norman's smirk is sharp and amused, as if he expected such an answer. "Good. Now, Octavius, I need you to think. Can you remember anything?"

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