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Hello! I'm back again, updating what, twice a row (I think)? This honestly just gonna be like a smut kinda chapter (y'all can prob guess who it's gonna be already), but Imma try to include everyone in this ^w^

Anyways, bye ✌🏻


The party was just starting, a crowd already lining up while Japan, Russia, and America were getting ready. After all, they were having a celebration between them and their friends as they practically a year older. I'm sure you get where this is going, right?

Japan slipped on a pair of short heels as she wore an outfit that almost specifically looked like her school uniform she would always wear, as a bow was attached to her pair of small cat ears. America-er- for the most part, wore a long sleeved baggy sweatshirt (again), grey dull sweatpants, regular shoes, and still rocking his usual sunglasses and headphones. Russia... well... russia wasn't much better. He wore his usual (almost navy) light blue and white striped shirt, sweatpants, furry boots, and to top it all off, his (almost plain looking) coffee brown ushanka.

"For Christ sake, we're going to a party," Japan said, emphasizing dramatically as she waved her arms in the air, "ya gotta look stylish!"

"It's just a party," Russia bordly yawned, "it ain't like we going to a super fancy restaurant with top class food and 'etiquette'."

"B-Besides, if ya going to a party, ya might as well be comfortable seeing as we're probably gonna be there for a long time," America chimed in.

"Suit yourselves then," Japan tiredly said, sighing. She glanced at her sliver watch. 7:30, it read.

"Geez, look at the time!" She gasped, "we really gotta go. The Uber's here anyways."

"Yeah, let's go," both Russia and America synced at the same time.

~~~~~ time skip to the party

As Japan, America, and Russia were at the entrance at the party, they saw bottles of liquor, beer, vodka, you name it, on shelves on top upon shelves behind the bartenders. Russia slightly drooling at the sight of all of it, dragging his arm across his face.

"Damn, wish I had somebody look at me like that as you look at those vodka bottles," China giggled. 

"Me too. I can never find someone that's just right for me," Poland sighed slightly, hunched shoulders covering the slightest sides of his face, "I can't be thinking that someone likes me just because they show a bit of interest in me," he mumbled lovably, a hand coming up to his face.

"I know for a fact that someone is interested in you, but you just don't see it," China told Poland, huffing.

"But nobody can tell the difference between me, Indonesia, and Monaco, though I'm sure Monaco has it at worst." They both giggled like elementary school children.

"I'm gonna drink something," Russia told japan, silently giving them a death-glare.

"Ah-! Me too!" America chimed in once more, unknowingly grabbing on to Russia's arm.

"Okay! See ya!" Japan waved. As soon as they were gone, she looked behind her to find South Korea. She smiled slightly as she headed towards him.

"Hi South Korea!" Japan squeaked, "N-nice party, ain't it?" She asked.

South Korea looked up from his drawing, but quickly looked back down.

"H-hi Japan," he smiled, adding a small wave from his hand. She sat in the seat in front of him.

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