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Lmao Kay, I'm running out of tittle ideas :/

I want to point out that there is still gonna be rusame in the story, it's just that I'm adding extra ships to spice up the flavor. Lmao y'all will see in the next couple of chapters what's really poppin' 'n stuff.

Imma try to write up some fluff this chapter, but nO PROMISES. 

(aLSO y'all need to stop playin' with little peppermint Timmy or else he 'gonna go sicko mode on  y'all's asses 😤😤👊💀👌🏼🔫✌🏻👀😂🗿❕😂😂)


Just being released from hospital (and getting the help he needed), America was greeted by his two best friends, Mexico and Japan, standing outside of the front door. Running up to them, he waved his hand excitedly.

"Hi America-Senpai!" Japan greeted, hugging him.

"Hi japan!" America said, hugging her back. Apon releasing her though, he was put into a head lock by Mexico.

"¡mi amigo! ¿Qué te ha pasado, estúpido mierda? ¿Sabes lo aburrido que fue sin ti en la escuela? todos estaban tan molestos, preguntando "oh escuchaste esto" o "oh escuchaste eso"?" he laughed wholeheartedly, before smacking him upside the head. "Oye, pinche pendejo wey, me estás escuchando?"

"Yes! I am!" America said, laughing as he rubbed the back of his head. Although America had a better economy than Mexico, he was practically a twig (in size) compared to Mexico. Taking a short glance around, the short boy found no one else besides his two best friends.

"Hey, have any of y'all seen Russia?" He asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" Japan asked back.

"Just.... curious," the boy reluctantly said.

"No, we haven't. He's probably up to no good, like I've been telling you!" Japan huffed, crossing her arms as she expectantly looked at Mexico to say something. 

"Haven't seen him either, though I've seen him walking with someone else. Forgot how their flag looked like, though." Mexico piped in, pulling out a piece of candy and popping it into his mouth.

"Oh," America  answered, disappointment coating his tone almost like honey as he looked down at the ground, kicking a small pebble. Mexico and Japan looked at each other, before Mexico reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder.

"Sure he'll see ya soon, no?"

"I— I dunno— I guess."

"Yosh!" Japan yelled excitedly, clasping her hands together,  "how about we go to a restaurant to eat? I'm sure you're hungry?" 

"really?!" America squealed almost like a toddler, turning his mood from a 0 to 100 quickly.

"Yeah! My treat! We can go to that one restaurant you like!" Japan said back. 

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

——— time skip to uhhh Monday morning (since he was released on a Friday)

The alarm clock shouted as rays of sun gently caressed America's face. Groaning, he reached to turn his alarm off as he grab his phone to see if anybody message him. Finding nothing, he got up from his bed and got ready for school. Going through his usual routine, he went to go brush his teeth as he checked the time on his watch.

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