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Absolutely no one:

Literally not one damn single soul:

J.k Rowling: The Headmaster had an intimate sexual relationship with *redacted*. He wasn't called the "headmaster" for nothing.

Bro frfr my book is dying 😂

I'm back again after a week of not uploading. Good news though is that I've got spring break this coming week, so I'm hyped for that :) prob gonna *finally* finish this book by what I hope to be next week (prob on Sunday). Anyways, apologies, my good sirs and ma'ams.


Taking a glance at the boy who he sworn he wouldn't catch feelings for again, America stood in his place, pretending as if he wasn't there.

"Look, ame (boring nickname btw), I, I just wanted to say I'm sorry," Russia explained, walking to wards him.

"I-I don't wanna hear it right now," America mumbled, turning away, "I just really wanna be alone right now."

All too quickly, he felt big arms wrap around him, a head resting on his shoulder as he found fur tickling his neck. Trying to push his head away, he sighed.

"Don't see why you're out here with me when you could be with your "boyfriend" Canada."

"I'm here because I'm telling you that I'm sorry. That was just- I don't even know what that was. I was just being stupid, okay? We weren't even dating, it was just some rumor," Russia said, burying his face deep into the others neck.

"I don't believe you," America said softly, barely audible.

"You don't have to, just know that I'm sorry."


"You're giving me mixed signals here," America grumbled, arms crossed.

"Yeah, I know I am," Russia replied, getting up and placing his forehead into the others.

"You sure do know how to worm your way through out of trouble, huh?" America huffed out.

"It's what I do best," Russia chuckled.

The two sat there in a couple-like manner, before America felt a on-coming call.

"Hold on, let me take this for a second.."


"Yes-? Who's this?"


"sOrry to leave you hanging Russia, but I really have to go right now," America said, voice cracking as he speedily left.

"Wait-! Why? What happened?"

"I'll- I- I'll tell you later."

--- America's pov? Sort-of-ish?

Running through the forest, the short boy tried to go his fastest. He didn't know why, but fat tears fell from his cheeks. Wiping them, he ran to the hospital he's all known too well. Not seeing a rock beneath him, he tripped over, falling down as his knees turned a bright pink with chips of skin scraped off. Nonetheless, he continued to run and leave the party he was planning on having fun.

Out of breath, he fast-walked up to the receptionist. She said something to him, probably a greeting of some sort, but he couldn't really focus right now. Everything was jumbled up, and his head wasn't in the right place. Replying with something, he got a room number, and headed over to there. Finally arriving at the door, he entered and ran over to the persons side. Taking a chair and sliding it over, America almost felt numb to be there. He didn't want this to begin with, but his damn bad luck always had to shit on him when he was finally having fun. Shaking, he breathed in and out.

"Hey dad..... how's life been treating you? It's- it's been a bit rough for me. Remember me? America...y- your son?" He started, heisting to sit in the chair, "sorry if I look like a mess, just don't get mad, but I went to a party. Typical me, right?"

"I-i have a lot to tell you since I've seen you. I drank a lot of drinks while you weren't here. I-I know that wasn't really mature of me, but what could you really expect? I've made a lot of good friends and I'm on much more friendlier terms with Russia, Japan, and Mexico. Heck, you can even say I have something going on with Russia, bUT don't get mad! He's- he's really nice, I guess," he said, gripping his shorts, "I-i met Canada. I wasn't really nice to him, but he's always annoying me. I've been doing well in school, you could say, but the teachers are annoying as hell, and don't give two shits if you were getting bullied. I had chips today and beer at that party I went to. Did I tell you about China? He's getting on my nerves, but I'm trying my best to be nice to everyone. I got new clothing and looked good for once and- and...."

"Who am I kidding-? You've never really cared, have you??! I hate being alone. I hate going to school, I hate everybody around me. No one cares! It should've been fine when you left! But no! The whole world is just shitting and laughing at me! I shouldn't have to rely on others to make me feel better!" America cried, his head in his hands as fat tears fell from his face.

"I hate looking so weak. I'm not supposed to be like this. I'm supposed to be strong and prideful. I'm supposed to be arrogant and challenge everyone. I'm not supposed to cry like this and- and-."

"Dad-? Can you hear me? I-*hic* I'm sorry that you left because of me. I didn't mean to," America whispered, barely audible as he gripped his fathers hand that was covered in medical tape, making sure not to crush it. Seeing his father lying in a hospital bed made his heart shatter. He wasn't sure what he would do if he died.

Suddenly, he heard the heart monitor rapidly dwindled down. Coming through the door, what seemed to be, people in surgeons masks and some sort of object. Moving out the way, America sat in the back, idly staring at his father lying in bed. He felt tired. He couldn't cry no more. He headed into the corner of the room and fell asleep to the noises, despite his brain telling him not to.


Ayyy ik that was short, but bare with me. I got a fricking math test that I didn't study for tomorrow, so guess what I'm going to do now? Yup, you guessed it, study. Anyways thanks for reading. Don't know how y'all enjoy this shit because I just reread the whole book and lemme tell y'all a little somethin'. It's a goddamn mess. But again, bare with me as I'm prob gonna write like a better story another time.

Anyways, did y'all do your Spanish lessons today? You do know what they say- right? It's either Spanish or vanish.

Stay safe y'all 😂💞

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