We're not gay

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(A.N. HOLY CRAP thank y'all so much for over 50 reads it's barely been 24 hours and I'm so happy I'm glad that people seem to like it I just cannot thank y'all enough because I didn't expect this to be so popular considering the face I have no clue what I'm doing with this fan fiction I was so excited to write this I didn't even bother to check what I had wrote in the last chapter to remember how to continue with this one haha oops and I also realize that I've been skipping a lot of the class time unlike my other fan fictions but I don't really have anything to write for the classes so I don't see really a point and there isn't really much of a point to put like practice things and what not so sorry about that)

Midoriya [POV]

As the bell rung for lunch I stood up going over to Todoroki's desk

"Are you-"

"Don't even ask" Todoroki interrupted I pursed my lips

"How did you know what I was going to ask?" I asked

"Because I saw it in your eyes that you were going to be annoying" I he responded standing up and ruffling my hair

"Oh shut up if you know what I was going to ask then what's your answer?" I pursed my lips again furrowing my eyebrows

"That glare doesn't suite you" he laughed waving it off

"You didn't answer my question yet" I whined catching up with him

"What do you want me to say?" he asked turning to look at me his pupils thinning to slits

"I want the truth Todoroki" I announced

"the truth hm?" he thought for a moment "my answer is yes but don't get any ideas" I frowned not even realizing that there were still a lot of kids in the class until Uraraka and Iida ran up to us as we got to the lunchroom

"Midoriya, Todoroki oh my god" Uraraka gasped out

"What?" I asked

"Half of the class thinks that you just asked Todoroki out and that Todoroki said yes and you know how quickly rumors spread" Uraraka explained

"Like we know that's not what you meant but everyone else thinks that's what you meant" Iida exclaimed

"Oh lord just kill me now" Todoroki muttered his face turning as red as his hair but I don't think mine was any different

"Do you really have the right to call upon the lord?  You creature of Satan?" I asked teasingly

"Don't call me that" Todoroki scolded slapping me upside the head

"I'm kidding I'm kidding" I laughed 

"Though it is true that vampires were created by Satan" Iida thought out lout, Todoroki raised his hand to hit Iida to but stopped his hand falling do his side.  

"I guess that's one way to think of it" He smiled showing his fangs 

"Todoroki that's literally terrifying" I exclaimed punching him playfully in the shoulder

"I know" He smirked satisfied with himself and walked into the lunchroom

"You aren't going to do anything about that?" Uraraka asked

"There isn't much I can do about what the class thinks since it's not like we can tell the truth Todoroki doesn't want anyone else to know" I explained

"Well what are you going to do then?" Iida asked

"I don't know" I shrugged "I guess nothing" I went into the cafeteria and stood in line Iida and Uraraka following me

Todoroki [POV]

I felt nauseous again as I sat down at our usual table.  I shouldn't have told Midoriya the truth he wouldn't let it go now and my heart pounded in my chest at what the class thought.  I couldn't stop my face from turning a dark red my cheeks burning up that's not what Midoriya meant but that's what everyone else interpreted it as.  There wouldn't really be a way to clear it up either because I really don't want anyone else to know about what happened.  I stood up and walked out of the lunchroom out into the hallway.  I don't really know what came over me but I didn't want to be there where there was so many people.  I walked out of the school knowing I probably shouldn't skip school any longer than I have already but I didn't find any reason to be there at this moment.  I went to the dorms even though that would be the first place everyone would look but I didn't care.  Instead of going in though I went around the back of the dorms and sat down under the shade of a tree pulling my knees to my chest.  I leaned my head back against the trunk of the tree I had been tired all day but I suddenly was overwhelmed with exhaustion and I fell asleep quickly under the tree.

Midoriya [POV] 

I got my tray and went to go sit down at the table but I couldn't find Todoroki

"Where did Todoroki go?" I asked looking around quickly before I sat down in my usual spot

"I don't know he was here a second ago" Uraraka sat down in her usual spot with Iida sitting next to her

"Maybe he just went to the bathroom or something who knows" I shrugged

"Ey lover boy good job" Kaminari complimented leaning on my back

"What are you talking about?" I asked but after I said that I realized what he meant

"You got the ice prince to be yours never thought that would happen in a million years" he laughed

"Kaminari that's not what happened really it was a misunderstanding" I started

"Don't deny it we all saw" he laughed again

"I was just asking if something was wrong?  I've been asking all day and he finally told me" I lied quickly

"Like I believe that, where is the ice prince anyways?" He asked looking around

"We don't know he was here a second ago but now he's just gone" Uraraka chimed in

"Todoroki?" Kirishima asked coming over "I just saw him leave the lunch room don't know where he was going though he seemed to be kind of caught up in his own thoughts didn't respond when I called him over eh but everyone spaces out like that sometimes especially you Midoriya" Kirishima laughed

"Yeah I guess you're right maybe he's just going to the bathroom" I shrugged "And Kaminari will you please get off my back please" I begged

"Oh right sorry" Kaminari stood up straight getting off of mu back

"Thank you" I sat up

"Oh and congrats dude" Kirishima slapped me on the back hard

"Guys you've really got it all mixed up-"

"Shhhhh don't try to hide it we'll accept you no matter what side you swing to" he exclaimed going to sit back down

"ugh" I buried my face in my hands

"It's not that bad except now the entire class thinks your gay" Uraraka reassured me

"When you say it like that it just makes it worse" I whined "Maybe I should go try to find Todoroki" I went to go stand up

"He can take care of himself if something happened and if he's not in class after lunch then after school we can go find him but chances are he'll just be in his dorm room sulking" Iida insisted

"Yeah I guess you're right" I agreed sitting back down and eating my lunch, afterwards when the bell rung signaling the end of lunch.  We all got up and went back to class, I was hoping that Todoroki would be in class but he wasn't which only made me even more concerned about him.

Sadistic Bloodlust [Vampire Todoroki x Midoriya]Where stories live. Discover now