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Midoriya [POV]

Todoroki started trembling and I grabbed his hand reassuringly

"Todoroki we're still waiting for an explanation" Mina insisted crossing her arms in front of her chest playfully.  Todoroki said that he would tell the class tonight but instead of saying anything he just walked away down the hallway to his room letting go of my hand

"You can't avoid it forever Todoroki" Mina called after him as I ran down the hallway

"Shoto what happened I thought you were going to tell the class" I exclaimed

"I changed my mind I can't do it" he insisted his voice shaking

"Hey it'll be okay and even if it all goes wrong you've still got me, Iida and Uraraka on your side" I reassured him

"I know but I just can't I don't want to face them" he looked down at the ground

"They'll never let it go so you'll have to tell them eventually why not just get it over with" I asked "I'll have Uraraka gather everyone else in the commons room so you can tell everyone okay?"

"I don't think I should what if it goes wrong what if-"

"It'll be okay I promise wait here I'll be back in a second" I told him kissing him on the cheek before I ran off to find Uraraka.  She was in the commons room fidgeting in her chair

"Uraraka can you gather everyone else in here?" I asked

"yea- wait why?" she asked back

"Shoto wants to tell everyone tonight" I explained briefly

"Is he comfortable with it?" she asked

"Well he said he's going to do it tonight but he's starting to freak out so just be quick" I insisted

"Okay" she nodded jumping up I nodded back going back to Todoroki who was in his room now the door open

"Shoto" I knocked on the door frame

"Izuku I'm scared" he whimpered sitting on his bed his head in his hands.  I sat down next to me

"I know but it'll be okay everyone will accept you no matter what if they accept you for being gay they'll be completely fine with you being a vampire" I insisted

"I'm so scared I think it's going to start up my heart again" He was trembling now

"Don't worry Shoto I'll stand right next to you I won't leave your side" I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers.  He was still trembling

"I don't think I can do it Izuku I'm sorry but I cant do it" He sighed looking down at the bed "I think it would be easier to come out to my dad than do this" I tilted his head up to look at me

"Listen to me Shoto it will be okay I know so and I will be right next to you the whole time" I wrapped my arms around him

"But what if-"

"Don't think of the what if's just think of what will happen and it will all be okay I promise" I rested my ear against his chest.  He wrapped his arms around me weakly still unconvinced.  I tried to focus I tried to hear a heartbeat but I heard nothing, Vampires had no heartbeat.  They were dead, Shoto was dead.  I guess that made me sad that he's not exactly alive well he's living but he's not, he's undead.  He inhaled deeply nuzzling his face into my hair

"You promise you wont leave my side" He asked his voice muffled by my hair

"I would never because I love you" I told him firmly

Sadistic Bloodlust [Vampire Todoroki x Midoriya]Where stories live. Discover now