Post Credit Scenes.

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As the Statesman traveled through the vastness of space, Thor and Loki looks out the window, thinking about what awaits them when they and the nomadic Asgardians arrived at Earth.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asked.

"Yes. Of course. The people of Earth love me. I'm very popular." Thor replied stubbornly.

"Let me rephrase that. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?" Loki asked.

"Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, brother. I feel like everything's gonna work out fine." Thor replied.

Thor and Loki then look out and becomes concerned as the Statesman has been intercepted by a larger spaceship.


At Sakaar, the Sakaaran rebellion has surrounded the Grandmaster, who has emerged from his hideout, along with two women.

"Oh, boy." Grandmaster said before he sees that he is surrounded. "I gotta say, I'm proud of you all. This revolution has been a huge success. Yay, us! Pat on the back. Pat on the back. Come on. No? Me too. 'Cause I've been a big part of it. Can't have a revolution without somebody to overthrow. So, you're welcome. And it's a tie." Grandmaster said.


At New York City, Danny and Dani arrived back at their hotel and recovered their luggage before they checked out.

"Let's say we take a airline flight back to Amity Park this time?" Danny said.

"Yeah, I'm tired. Let's just hope dad doesn't mess around with the guns." Dani said.


At his lair, Clockwork looks at a monitor where is sees the future. It shows Dani and Jacob married to each other and has two kids in their marriage. These kids are teens, and more interesting, they have ghost powers as they were in ghost form. Dani's kids inherited their powers from her. One was a boy, 13 years of age, who resembles his father. He had a black and dark blue suit, has two thermoses built in his advanced white gloves, and white gloves and boots with blue accents on the top and the white DP logo on his chest and has a white utility belt similar to his uncle's. He also has glowing green eyes and white hair. The other was a girl, 12 years of age, who resembles her mother. Despite that she's 12, she is already showing the features of a young woman. She had a two piece black and purple suit, exposing her midriff. The top was sleeveless, had purple deltas on each side that goes upwards, has a triangular purple collar and has the white DP logo on her chest. She has two thermoses built in her advanced purple gloves. She also has long purple boots with accents that goes up to her mid-thighs, and she has a purple utility belt that is similar to her mother's. She also had glowing red eyes and the only one in the family to have blonde hair in ghost form. Clockwork looks at the monitor, knowing that these two teens will get involved in a event where they will have to rescue and help their cousins' parents and their parent's lives and their future hang in the balance as well as affect the time stream. He also knows that a certain female half ghost will get caught in the middle and will have to help them, no matter who they are or where they're from. Clockwork knows that Danielle, in time, will meet her nephew and niece from the future name DJ and Lilith Fenton, but she will also meet Jacob's and her future children Robert and Diana Collins.

"Very soon..." Clockwork muttered.


At the Ghost Zone, everything was quiet until suddenly, a large fleet of Harvester attackers appears out of nowhere and surrounded Clockwork's lair as some of the Harvesters exited out. One of the craft was different. Suddenly, a figure exited out of that very craft. It was a female ghost. This ghost woman was different from the rest of the Harvesters as she look almost human. She had light green skin with glowing pupiless green eyes and dark green lips, she wore a green and red suit with red gloves and red boots that went to her thighs, a red and green cape flowed behind her, and a black headdress that was sticking up like horns. She and some of the Harvesters entered Clockwork's lair, which lucky for her, Clockwork isn't present. The ghost woman then made her headdress disappear to reveal her face. She had glowing green eyes and very deep green hair that flowed down behind her. She then looks at two time screens to see Danny out of town and Dani going on her date with Jacob. She then saw another time screen that shows the alternate universe where Danny and Dani have alternate twin siblings name Dayla and Dale. She then face her Harvester subjects.

"Start the recon operations on Earth. Soon our fourth attempt to harvest on Earth will soon begin." the woman ordered.

The Harvesters screeched before they leave to head for Earth. The woman then turn to see the two time screens showing Dani and the alternate universe.

"I know how to make sure the She-Phantom doesn't get in my way." the ghost woman said with an evil grin before she leaves the lair.

Danny and Dani Phantom will return in DANI PHANTOM: THE DIMENSIONAL WAR

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