part 110

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i put on my clothes once i get out the bath, i brush my hair and add lotion to my arms and legs

my stomachs been cramping a lot and it hurts terribly, i don't want to take advil either. speaking of advil we have nothing to eat tonight

i walk out my room and check the clock, 2pm. i put on my shoes and grab the keys from the table

i reach for the front door "babe?" joey says and i turn around


"where you going?" he walks towards me with a bowl of cereal in his hand, lucky charms, his favorite but my least favorite

"going to get some food, we have none" i remind him since we came here only last night. the only thing in the fridge is bread and milk with cereal in the cabinet that greg brought

"okay princess" he pecks my lips, "stay safe" he says and i nod

i get in my car and drive to ralph's, i feel like i go to ralph's to much. i should try buying somewhere else for once but for now we're sticking to ralph's

as i'm driving to ralph's i take my phone out and try to call lexi. i know i told myself not to think about her but it's really bugging me

she doesn't answer any 4 of my calls, i take a deep breath once i park into the parking lot and glance at my phone

shes probably in the plane and can't answer me right now? it's fine i know she'll call me back soon

i get out the car and walk inside, i grab a basket and begin filling it up. ice cream, bread, fruits, pancakes, pizza, sauces, drinks, etc.

the stuff i get is all piled up on the basket and i hope nothing falls out. i was debating whether or not to bring another basket but one was enough. i reach the register and the cashier looks at me with a worried face

"sorry" i tell him placing the items on the thingy
( i don't know what it's called sorry😭)

"it's okay" he scans my items and places them in the bag

he gives me 8 bags and i place them in my basket. he gives me my credit card back and i thank him before leaving

i walk out ralph's and start heading to my car, "elena"

i stop walking and turn around, a familiar face is spotted, he's waving at me and begins walk towards me. i turn my heals and start walking back to my car not caring who it is

i open the trunk and start placing the bags in, "how are you" he says and i look up


what a coincidence, this man will never die. i don't answer him and place my last bag inside, he sees me struggling due to how heavy it was and helps me put it in the trunk

i close the trunk and walk to my side of the car, "ignoring me?" he grins and i roll my eyes mentally

"do you want something?" i look at his face, i wonder what he did to sophia to make her forget her memory and how to breathe...

"no, but how is joey? i heard he's finally been found after years of hiding" he scratches his chin and i stare at his face a little longer before answering

we killed him twice, maybe we won't fail the third time? we can always try and i know how badly joey hates him or maybe i can kill him right now in front of the public

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