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All I can do is stand there and watch as my flesh and blood, my brother; my best friend falls off of a building. I try to run after him, to stop him, but I can't. I don't know why but I cant move and I feel as helpless as ever. Just then everything turns black and I jolt upright in my bed, sweating and breathing heavy. I think that is possibly the worst dream I've ever had, it felt so real that I had to look across the room at my sleeping brother just to make sure it wasn't. As I lay here and think about my twin not being here for me I start to shake. The tears haven't come yet but I know they will soon, they always do. I look over to my bedside table to see the clock read 2:48 and try to close my eyes to go back to sleep but my nightmare keeps playing over and over again on the inside of my eyelids.

Finally I just get out of bed and make my way across the room to his bed. He's got his plaid blue duvet pulled over his head with half of his left leg sticking out of the side. I lightly shake his shoulder, knowing that he'd wake up, and then shake him again just to make sure. His head pops out from under the covers and his eyes go from angry that I woke him up to concerned as he see's my condition. My eye's start to water at the sight of his blond hair that is messed up from sleeping and his bright blue eyes.

"C'mere, Nicole. What's wrong?" he asked, motioning me to lie down next to him. I quickly lay down next to him and that's when the tears started to pour. He put his arm around my shoulder and lightly rubbed it, knowing that it would calm me down more.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me, Niall?" I whimpered.

"Where is this suddenly coming from? Of course I'd never leave you! You're my twin sister for Pete's sake!" he answered back making me feel relieved. We lay there for a while until I'm completely calmed down again and my eye lids are starting to droop.

"Good'night Nialler." I say slowly crawling out of his bed and making my way back to mine.

"Night Nicole, Love you." he whispered as I got under the covers and rested my head onto my pillow.

"Love you too." I whisper back half asleep. That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking that Niall was going to keep his promise and we'd always be together.


Now, let me tell you about myself. My name is Nicole Horan as you all already know and Niall is my twin. I love my twin and I love Greg my other brother and of course my mom and dad too. My parents are divorced and Greg is living on his own so Niall and I live with my dad in the city. I have medium long brown hair that I have yet to dye blond despite the fact that Niall begs me to do it with him and my eyes are the same color as his, bright blue crystal orbs. Sadly Niall and I are the same height which I hate but Niall doesn't mind. We are both extremely loud and we love food, it's not really surprising to people that we're twins if they see how we act. We do have things that are different than the other person like the fact that I have an embarrassing birthmark on my ankle, it may be small but it's very annoying. The stuff we both like over powers the different things though as we both love sports, singing and in my case a little bit of dancing. We have had plenty of people tell us that we are good at singing and thats why we decided to try out for X Factor. Anyways I'm going to stop by saying that the love of a twin is the strongest kind of love out there.


Hey guys! I really hope you guys will like this story because I do! Anyways since it doesn't seem like many people are reading my stories I would like to get 10-15 votes on this before I post the first chapter. So comment/vote/fan and most importantly TELL PEOPLE! I really want this story to be more popular, it would be a dream come true if it did. Thank you to the people that are commenting on my other story, I'm pretty sure you know who you are lol. So 10-15 votes go now!!!

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