Chapter 3

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The next two weeks before boot camp went by in a flash. We weren't allowed to tell anyone other than family (and Maddie and Ethan) about us getting through. In all honesty it sucked because I just wanted to scream it out to the world that me, Nicole Horan, was on to the next round. School was a drag what with all of the practicing we had to do on top of the homework. The closer we got to the day Niall and I would be flying to London, we grew nervous and even more excited. Ethan and Maddie were excited for us, but I could tell that they were bummed they couldn't go with us. Lets just say that Ethan and I had grown closer if that's even possible. He was practically glued to my side the whole time, not that I didn't enjoy it. Maddie voiced to me that we need to stop hiding our feelings and for once I agreed. I have feelings for him, what kind exactly, I really don't know.

"This is just like what we talked about, ok? You're going to be famous and I'm going to be famous for being your amazing best friend! Just don't say anything embarrassing about me though." Maddie gushes as she hugs me goodbye. Today is the day we fly to London, the day the real X Factor journey starts. I nod, I'm going to miss my best friend so much but the good thing is that either way, whether I get through or not I will be able to go home before. Maddie released me and pushed me towards Ethan who was nodding his head to something Niall whispered. He looked up at me, smiling sadly. We didn't say anything as we hugged, we held onto each other as if we would never see the other again. Ethan rested his arms around my neck as I pulled away slightly to look at him. Before I even realized what was happening our faces were inches away. I could feel his hot breath on my lips just as he cupped my face with his big hand. My heart raced at the realization of what was about to happen, his plump lips meeting mine. The kiss lasted no more than thirty seconds before he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

We hugged once more, not speaking of the kiss that just took place. Niall and I said one last goodbye to everyone and got onto the plane.

It was a 9 hour flight full of questions from Niall about Ethan. I ignored him and listened to music or read a book because to be honest I didn't know the answer to half of his questions. Once we had landed and gotten all of our luggage I sent a quick text to Ethan and Maddie telling them that we had landed safely. We were whisked away to the hotel almost immediately.

30 minutes later we arrived at a grand hotel with big glass doors in the front. I slid my phone out and took a quick picture, sending it to Maddie and Ethan. Niall and I separated as we went to our different rooms. After sliding the room key through the slot, I stepped into the hotel room. There was 2 queen sized beds, one of them was occupied with a bag on it. A girl with brown hair who was short appeared from the corner. She gave me a sweet smile in which I returned.

"Hi! I'm Cher." Her petite hand shook mine. \

"I'm Nicole but my friends call me Nic." I replied.

"Ooo are u Irish? I've always had this thing for Irish people!" I let out a chuckle, I haven't known Cher for more than five minutes and I can already tell that we will be good friends.

"Yeah, I'm Irish. I have a thing for food but ya'know that's normal for me." Cher laughs, walking over to her bag and pulling things out.

"Do you have a brother?" She winks at me.

"Yep, a twin brother to be exact, which means that he's gorgeous like me." I wink back. I jump on my bed, sprawl myself out and then get back up; feeling antsy.

"Wanna come with me to get my bro and then have some fun? I don't want to be cooped up in here all day!" I unzipped my suit case, yanking out a pair of Aztec leggings, a gray crew neck and my white trainers. Cher nodded and we both changed.

After having texted Niall, we arrived at his room.

"PARTY'S HERE!" I yelled, knocking on the door with my fist. Cher stood silently behind me as a boy with long tousled brown hair opened the door. He was quite attractive to be honest.

"Er, is Niall here?" I awkwardly asked. The guy looked me up and down real fast, not even noticing Cher behind me.

"He wanted to take a quick shower. You must be Nicole!" He took me by surprise when he pulled me into a friendly hug.

"Erm, yeah. This is my roommate Cher," I turned, once out of his greeting, looking to Cher.

"Hi!" Cher replied. I took a step around the guy and walked into their room. It was clear that two boys were staying there. There was clothing on the ground and food everywhere (not that I'd complain about food).

"I never caught your name?" my eyebrows raised questioningly. I grabbed a bag of crisps that were sitting on the table next to the sofa and sat down.

"Oh, sorry! I'm Louis." Louis smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, Louis," I mumbled with a couple of crisps in my mouth. Niall came out the bathroom then, sparing Cher and I from an awkward silence. His hair was still sopping wet, and he wore a t-shirt and jeans like normal.

"NIC! It's been so long!" Niall yelled sarcastically and then lept onto me. He sat on my lap while I patted his head like a dog.

"Love you too, Ni!" He stood up, ran over to Louis and bounced beside him.

"So you've met my new friend Louis then?" Niall gave Louis a 'manly' back slap.

"Oh, yeah! He told me all about how he felt sorry for you, what with the fact that you have no friends, and was trying to be nice to you despite your weirdness." I smirked. Cher and Louis both let out a laugh and Niall glared at me.

"You say you love me, yet you make fun of me!" he shook his head. I just smiled innocently, like I had done nothing.

"I have a feeling that we are going to get along very well." Louis commented. I smiled back genuinely and caught Cher's eye from the doorway. She had a glint in her eye that made me think she was up to something. I shrugged it off as my phone started ringing. After checking the caller i.d on my phone, I muttered that it was Ethan to Niall and he gave me a thumbs up. I internally groaned as I pressed answer and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I tried to sound nonchalant, definitely succeeding.

"Nic! I was hoping you would answer." Ethan replied.

"Since when do I not answer?"

"Well, I mean you kind of left on a weird note, so I wasn't sure..." My eyes darted around the room as he spoke, Louis and Cher watched me tentatively and Niall looked bored. I sighed plopping myself onto the couch.

"Look, Ethan I-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"No, before you say anything I want to say something. I've liked you for a long time, so kissing you today/yesterday, whenever it was, was not a mistake to me. I'd like to make you mine officially. You're one of the best things in my life and I don't want to lose you." I stood up from the couch. I want to say something, but I feel like I need some privacy. I walked out of the room and stood just outside the door.

"Ethan, I love you, you know that. I just, I don't know about this working out, but I'm willing to try." I could picture his smile from over the phone, heck I was smiling too.

"I love you too, Nic. I don't know when I will see you next..." He trails off.

"Skype?" I ask.

"Sounds good to me!" My smile grows wider. I want this to work; I want to finally have a working relationship. So why is it that I have this feeling in my gut that this is wrong? I brush that feeling off for the time being as I hang up.

"Those are mine!" I hear Niall's voice just as I step back into the room. Someone is trying to take his food, I can tell just by the tone of his voice.

"Give him his food back." I say while walking into the room. Everyone turns in the direction of my voice and Niall uses the opportunity to snatch a bag of nuts away from Cher. They all stare at me, eyebrows raised, waiting for me to explain things.

"Um, long story short, Ethan and I are going to try." Niall nods his head, but Louis and Cher look confused.

"I'll explain everything to you later," I say directed to Cher, "and Niall will explain to you." This time directed to Louis. They both nod.

"Now, lets go have fun before I eat the whole building!" And with that we went and created havoc.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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