Chapter 18

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"Welcome to Casa Lucien" 

"What is this place?"  I ask him as I slid into the sleek black car that was waiting for us at the tarmac

"It's my private island"
I cross my arms over my chest and turn to him

"What are you trying to do? Parading all your private islands and private jets? Is this some way of dominating over me? Let me tell you one thing, I'm not someone who'll submit to any man, atleast not outside the bedroom anyways"

He shuts me up with a kiss an dpulls me onto his lap

"Make anymore innuendos and we'll go straight for the desert. My control is hanging by the thread as it is. I just wanted some privacy for us sweetheart. I didn't want to be looking over my shoulder the whole evening for paparazzi, I just wanted to spend time with you and make it special and I know your not the type of girl to be impressed by all of this when you waved your platinum card in my face and made your own payments, so relax and enjoy the night"

I blushed

" I'm sorry for the outburst. I just hate people who shove their wealth in someone else's face. By the way, your monologues are getting longer" I giggle

He shuts me up with a kiss and pulls me out, as the car comes to a stop

I gape at the scene in front of me

Under the moonlight, a white gazebo in placed in the center of the beach, a table is set for two and the path till the gazebo is paved in red rose petals

"Wow" I gasp

"Do you like it?"
He asks staring at me with a hand curled around my waist

" I love it! It's so beautiful!"

" Beautiful " he agrees, staring up at me and crashes his lips to mine

The date was perfect, there's no other word for it. After dinner, we went for a walk on the beach and ended with us playing in the water.

By the time we returned to the car, the driver was already waiting with towels in hand

"Wait so you actually own the whole place?"

"Ya, I think we've established that"

Cocky bastard

"So what you're telling me is this place is basically a huge racing track that I will never get in trouble for bad driving?"

"No! No your not!"he throws the towel and tries to catch me.I jump into the car and turn the ignition on

" Race ya!" and push the gas pedal before he grabs me out of the car

I watch from the rear view mirror as he  kicks and gets into the next car and follows me.

Adrenaline rushes through me as I gain speed. His car following me closely . I drive away gleefully before he gains speed and is beside me on my left blocking the turn

"Stop the bloody car Priya!"

I give a full blown grin and yell


I take a sudden right and press the button for nitrogen and leave him behind but not for long, he's behind me in no time.

I look at his car in the rear view and suddenly I notice the road ends in a dead end. I press the break with all my strength, the car skids making a full circle before coming to a stop

Blood rushes to my head and I car hear my heart thumping as I come down from the adrenaline high.

My car door is suddenly opened and I'm yanked out of my seat. I look up to see a murderous glint in his eyes. Gone was the playful guy who splashed water at me. I felt like I was staring back at a completely different person, but even that could not stop the smile from spreading on my face.


What do you think is gonna happen? Demi is seriously cross with her. Is she going to unveil the dark side of him?

Keep guessing!

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