Chapter 44

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"Baby, you're the only girl in the world I've ever felt was meant for me. In all my life, I never thought it was possible to love so much as much as I love you and I've quite possibly been in love with you since the first time I saw you" he pause and flicks open the small velvet box. It has the prettiest ring I've ever seen. I looked at him with tears in my eyes

"Sweetheart, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

By this time, I was full blown crying. I bob my head and croak a "Yyyes"

He slips the ring on my finger and before I register what's happening, his lips are on mine. In the next moment, we collapse on the makeshift bed.


We lay tangled in the living room, as the sunlight filtered through the curtain. I laid my head on his chest while he drew lazy patterns on my back.

"You know, I thought I'd be more dressed up when I'd be proposed to and not in a messy bun and chapped lips"

He grins and pulls me up for a kiss.

"I happen to really like how you look right now" he murmurs suggestively.

I roll my eyes, the same time my stomach growls. Laughing, he gets off the bed.

"Let me fix something for you while you freshen up, you didn't even eat anything last night"

"Well a certain someone kept me occupied" I roll my eyes at him

He pulls on his discarded pants.

"I'll need new clothes" I groan, eyeing at the pile of shredded cloth which used to be my clothes

Lucien grins up at me as if he's proud of what he achieved.

"I have your closet fully stocked, would you like a tour?"
I nod excitedly. He tosses his shirt at me which I swiftly don and head out for the apartment tour.

The place is massive!
The dining room has a floor to ceiling window overlooking the city. The kitchen has all shiny fixtures and equipment's installed. There's a huge library with books of all sorts and a cozy reading nook. Lucien's home office look modern and sleek. There are three guest rooms with en-suite bathrooms, each of which looks like a studio apartment in itself.

"And this is the master bedroom, ready for the big reveal?" He asks, excited like a kid on Christmas Day.

I nod my head enthusiastically.

He opens the door and before he flips on the lights, we hear a characteristic hiss.

Lucien stiffens and pushes me out of the room. He turns on the light and inspects, three large snakes lie on the bed hissing as the happily roam.

Cursing, Lucien shuts the door and pulls me away from it. He makes a few calls while rushing us through the elevator. He's furious, I've never seen his so furious, and snapping at people on the other line.

Once we reach the basement, he deposits me in the car. The guy from concierge approached us apologising profusely. Lucien charges are him like an angry bull and his fist collides with the guy's face. As if on trans, he's pummelling him as I stare at him in horror.

"Lucien stop!! What are you doing?" I try feebly to wrestle him out

As if just realising that I was present, he looks at the guys sharply and warns him off. I call the ambulance and assure the guy that I'd treat him for free before joining Lucien.

Once in the car, all the adrenaline wears off and the severity of what just happened sinks in, freezing me in place.

"Are you ok?" He caresses my palm

I nod weakly, " I just realised someone really want us dead" .

His jaw tics " I'm sorry I should have checked the security before bringing you here"

I turn to face him.

" Don't be stupid!! And stop blaming yourself! You did all you could, we'll figure this out together"

He nods stiffly, although he's calm at the moment I know he's exploding on the inside. I sigh and lay on his shoulder while he continues driving.

The news is getting depressing by the day😔 How are you guys coping up?
Please take care and Stay safe!

Hopefully all of this will be over soon 🙏


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