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Monday 7:39 AM

YoungJae: Is there any chance you'd tell me what classes we have together?

Minnie: I'll tell you after I ask my three questions

YoungJae: You can ask them whenever

Minnie: Hmm..

Minnie: Okay then

Minnie: Question one: Are you single? And if so why cause like I'm pretty sure you could ask out any random person and they'd very easily accept.

YoungJae: I am, mainly cause I don't like to date

YoungJae: I mean every once in a while I'll hook up with someone random but I don't really date

Minnie: Reasonable

Minnie: Okay! For my next question...

Minnie: Uhm I dunno I want my big one to be my last so...

Minnie: What's your favorite animal?

YoungJae: Cats

Minnie: Ooh cutee

Minnie: Anyway moving on,

Minnie: Why are you so determined to find out who I am?

YoungJae: Well

YoungJae: I'm not completely sure

YoungJae: I guess you're just easy to talk to?

YoungJae: And so naturally I'd want to know you?

YoungJae: Plus I'm hella stubborn

Minnie: Yeah I can tell 🤣

YoungJae: My turnnn!

Minnie: Okay okay

YoungJae: What classes are we in togetherrr

Minnie: We have the same gym and Homeroom.

YoungJae: You're in this classroom right now

Minnie: Mhm.

YoungJae: No way

YoungJae: Everyone is on their phones, so ima keep texting you and I will find out!!

YoungJae: Min

YoungJae: Minnnn

YoungJae: Which one of these phone obsessed human robots is you

YoungJae: Minnnnieee

YoungJae: I will find outttt

*Five minutes later*

YoungJae: Wait

YoungJae: Are you the kid who leaves after the bell rings?

YoungJae: Like you have the same homeroom but a different first period?

YoungJae: Omg that was totally you.

Word count: 304

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