Chapter Zero

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"How I gained my new abilities?"

Frank was working as a 22-year-old accountant in his night shift at Supermarket, Jake told Frank: Do you like working here? As an accountant? Why do not we share roles? Roxie replied with a mild laugh: "Don't Talk like this, old man, do you change Frank?" Frank: "You really convinced me, Jake, okay, I'll be the cleaner and you're the accountant, but just for a night, we agreed? Jake: Well. Frank took the mop from Jake to sit in his seat. One o'clock at night Frank entered the back closet to fill the bucket with a sterilizer. During this moment, a bleeding man came crawling into the shop, Roxie saw him and screamed. Frank and Jake hurried over to find her standing, Man: Help me please. Frank rushed up and brought the first aid kit, took Jake to tear the man's shirt to find him with three bullets, he said: Oh God. Frank saw the impact of the bullets to shout: Roxie, Call the police were told that someone was shot in the store. Roxie rushed to the phone and Jake with the help of Frank stopped the bleeding, minutes later the man regained consciousness to try to stand up but could not, Jake asked him: Who fired you? who are you? The man replied: Did you inform the police? Roxie: Yes, they are on their way now. Moments later the police vehicle arrived and the policeman came in to find them and asked: When did he come to the shop? Jake: An hour ago. He inspected his wounds and searched to find his wallet, opening it to find his identity card and says: His name is Steve Roderick, who has a large criminal record of misappropriation of funds. Jake: Frank, you'd better wipe the floor before the blood dries. Frank went to see what he had forgotten in the closet. He went back to begin to wipe out the blood. The policeman and the man were gone. Just moments before they heard the sound of an explosion, everyone rushed out to find the policeman's car exploded with both of them. Jake: This night is getting madder. Frank: Don't get away from the store. Frank runs to the car with a fire extinguisher, turned off the fire and found them all killed. Frank found another car parked in front of the shop. He came back to find two people, one beard, bald, full of muscles and the other Negro. The Bald: Who else here? Jake: I told you that there is no one else here. The man was shot at the head of Jake to land. Frank was watching what had happened, hiding behind the shop gate, and his phone rang to be noticed by the men. Frank: Damn. He began to run away to get a blow on his head with a stick carried by another man who did not notice him, fainted to wake up and find himself in a gym confined to a chair, shouted: Is anyone here? The gang leader and two men came to stand in front of the chair and say, "I'm sorry for the bad reception for you, but we had to do it. Frank: What is our fault? Leader: You saw the man and knew his name, so we will not risk leaving you alive. Frank: What is Jake's fault? Leader: Do you mean the old man? What you saw is the price of cover you, I also have work now so you have the choice of choosing your death method. Frank said: "Damn you, I will not die today. The leader said: you don't leave me any choice, throw him into the lake. The man came out to take the two men to the lake behind the gym. One of them broke the ice sheet to throw him inside the lake. Frank tried to free himself but could start trembling in the coolness of the lake. Minutes later the sun shone, Roxie, who was following the gang car, called the police. The patrols searched the lake and found no trace of Frank. After 7:00 PM Frank woke up and tried to free his restraints and swam to the surface. When he arrived, he took a deep breath. There was no one around the lake. The weather was very cold but he doesn't feel it, He walked on the road until he found a bus to take off immediately. He went back to his apartment to find everything that was messy. He went to his room to get on the bed. After a few Hours, He woke up again to find that the electricity doesn't work and the air-conditioning was not working but he could not find a drop of sweat in his shirt. He turned to the washing basin to wash his face, changed his features after seeing his face in the Mirror, changed his hair color to the white and his skin became more whitish than before, suddenly sneezed to pick up a handkerchief and wipe his nose to find the mirror completely frozen, he said: What happens? Devil search on the Internet from his phone about the disease of these symptoms and did not find anything, returned electricity and TV runs to watch the news: explosion of police car in western south of city, A police officer was killed in the explosion, while Jake Hopper was killed and Frank Harry was dumped in a lake lying west of the store. Roxie, who saw everything and hiding from the gang, said she saw a gang man shoot Jake and also watch the gang throw Frank into the lake alive. The authorities confirmed the death of the two workers and the investigation is continuing. Frank said: Have I become a zombie? He went to the kitchen and took the knife, injured his hand and did not come out of blood, he said to himself: If I go to the hospital authorities will know that I am still alive and the gang will seek me back, went to his Indian friend Raj and tell him what is happening with him, Raj: wonderful you have become supernatural, now you can freeze Juices without the need for ice cubes. Re: Don't think I'm a super hero, I come to ask for service from you. Raj: What? Re: Everyone thinks I'm dead so I want you to issue me a new identify card. Raj: Ok, my friend. He shouted out of joy and went toward his computer, changed his name to Devil Rexon and changed his picture. After a few moments, the card was printed from the ministry to send to Raj's address. Raj: Your new identity will arrive tomorrow, what will you do when you wait for it? Frank: Why do not we discover my new abilities? They climbed up to the top of the building, Raj: Why do you cool the weather? Frank blew in his direction to find he could not breathe, was next to a bucket with water in it, emptied it on the face of the Raj to melt the snow quickly, and at the moment he breathed again, Frank: I'm sorry Raj, I did not mean to freeze you. Re: No, it was so great, you are now a supernatural hero like the other heroes of comic books. Frank: I will even try to take revenge for Jake's death and robbing of my normal life. Raj: Let's to discover the remaining abilities. He fired hard ice balls from his hands, make an ice shaft with both hands and freeze anything he could touch. The evening came and they both went back to the apartment. Frank: I'll go to my apartment to take my things. Raj: Well. Frank closed the door and covered his head as he walked to his apartment. It was ten o'clock in the evening. He entered his apartment and took a box where some of his objects were gathered. His neighbor heard a voice coming from the apartment to think he was a thief. He went out of his apartment and walk to Frank's apartment, frank hear sound that someone enters the apartment, took his box and ran to jump on the window to fall on his foot in the street, faster running away from the area, returned to the Raj's apartment said to him: neighbors thought I stole the apartment. Raj: Yes, I saw it on television. Frank: What? Raj: Yes, it was broadcast in the news that a crazy thief jumped from the sixth floor of a building on the main street, how did not hurt? Devil: I do not know how, but did you can to track a Roxie phone? Raj: Who's Roxie? Are you your lover? Frank: What? It was not, she is Jake's wife, she was with us on the night of the incident. Raj: Why do I track the phone? Devil: If she is the only witness who survived the gang for the night, the gang will follow her. Raj: You'll have to save her. Frank: Can you? Raj: Definitely. Raj sat in front of his computer. Frank: How long does it take? Re: I found it, she's in the city police department, do not be afraid she's safely there. Frank: I'm going to miss her in the morning. Would you let me sleep on the sofa all the time I was here? Raj: of course, you can, I would like to be that assistant who watches and follows his super hero friend. Frank went to the couch to sleep and Raj sat in front of his computer eating maize.

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