Chapter XII

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Devil went down to the apartment, ran a few streets, dump it on garbage basket, his way back. He saw the police car heading for the phone to stop at the waste basket. He continues his way to an electronics store that was broadcasting an urgent news: In a strange incident of the area, the body of La Reca's leader, Cosmo, was found this morning with a gunshot to the head and the body of 12 other leaders of other gangs killed in the same pattern. Raj through speaker: Did you see the news? Re: There seems to be someone who is cleansing the city. Raj: Who else?! Re: Brooks, seems to be preparing to crown himself king of Seattle. Re: You have to pass the supermarket, I want to bring eggs and flour. Re: I well. He went on to go into the supermarket and asked: Where is the flour? In the meantime, Steek was sitting with Coster, Steek: 13 gang leaders were assassinated in Seattle, seven of us remain among them. Re: What do you mean? Steek: We must put an end to these assassinations, with our cooperation together, Lupindo and Hinkers. Coster: What will you give me with your cooperation? Re: We Hackers specialize in hacking and online spying, we can erase the criminal record in seconds. Coster: Well, let's cooperate. One of the men of Coaster came to visit him, Victor said: Did you hear about the assassinations, right? Re: Yes, you have to deal with Kevin and the investigator as soon as possible. Victor: I well, sir. It was 6 pm, when Devil returned to the apartment, He opened the door to enter the bags, Devil: Are you going to make cookies tonight? Raj: I make the best cookies on the face of the earth. I am proficient in this matter. Re: I should go, I'll watch the department to make sure not to hit Kevin anything. Raj: He should get to court tomorrow, take these wireless headphones, I'll follow your movements. Devil went out to start Raj preparing his wonderful cookies. Devil watched the department from the roof of the building next to it, stayed up until eight in the morning to watch Kevin go out with Selena and went to the court, Devil follow them to enter the courtroom. Kevin admitted that Coster was the one who killed Lucas and the witnesses who testified against him to prove the charges against Coster. They went out of the court to ride Selena's car back to the Department. Devil watched them to see another car following his mother's car. They started shooting at them. Devil jumped on it and began to shoot him through the windows. Victor was very stronger. His throw Devil away at the air, slammed into the wall of a building. Devil went from his fall to run angrily toward Victor, and blow his icy breath to punch him and turn him into crumbs. Devil went on his way toward police department, ask Selena: are you right? She replied: Yes, no one was exposed to fire. The employee gave Selena the impunity papers of Kevin, Devil asked: Who is this? She replied: It's for Kevin, he has done all this for it and he deserves it. She stood from her seat to enter the interrogation room where Kevin was waiting to sign the papers, he went out of the room to look into Devil's eyes as he was on his way out, Devil returned to the apartment, Raj: How was it? He answered as he opened the refrigerator: he went smoothly, got his impunity and got out of the department. Raj: What? impunity? How will we get rid of him? Devil: I do not know. Devil ate the cookies prepared by Raj to say: you have a skilled hand in the preparation of baked goods. Re: Yes, it's the same hand that doesn't detect the place of The Gangster. Jessica knocked on the door to open Raj. He said, "Come in, I've started cutting the cake now." She entered to close the door behind her and say: What happened in the case of Coster? Devil: He got twenty years in prison. Raj: For every soul he has taken, three years. Devil: 18 years old Raj. Re: Two years are considered from me. Jessica: have you heard the co-operation of Hinkers and Lupindo? Threw the paper, which was in her hand on the table, was taken by Raj to read out loud: The gangs of Hinkers and Lupindo united in the absence of their leaders at a meeting of their own kind to deter what they call the genocide of Seattle crime leaders. Jessica after she tasted the cookies: I have to go now; I have night rotating and the time is late. It was 6 pm, Raj played video games with Devil. Meanwhile, Coster was crazy when he heard the referee's verdict. "We'll get out of here before the two weeks, be patience" Steek said. Re: By patience? he laughed a little and said: I want revenge for Victor, and also, I want to kill Kevin. Re: It will be all you want Coster. When Devil defeated Raj to open the refrigerator, there was a sniper on the opposite building. He was shot by the heart but did not get it. Raj didn't feel the sniper was coming out. He heard the noise and the sound of breaking the glass from the kitchen. Devil was barely breathing, Raj: Oh no, stay with me and do not close your eyes. He got out his phone to call Jessica: Come quickly, it's an emergency. Devil was bleeding to feel Raj the warmth of his body, knocked the door to open Raj and Jessica enter, took tools from the tools drawer to pull the bullet, stopped the bleeding but did not regain his mind, Jessica: We're losing him. Raj heard Devil whisper: the lake, the lake. Raj: I call Selena to go to the lake. His mother came to carry Devil to the car and go to the lake. Selena: What happened? How did he get hurt? Raj: It seems he was a sniper, hit by the special bullet. She replied: Why did not you turn it into ashes? Jessica: His body must have absorbed its heat. Raj: We have to bring him back to the lake. Jessica: We should speed up; his hair color began to return to its natural color. Selena pressed the accelerator pedal to go as far as she could. They arrived in minutes to stop the car on its side. Raj: We have to threw him now. He and Selena started taking up Devil and Jessica broke the layer of ice that was on the surface of the lake, threw him inside to say Selena: What now? Re: We have to wait and hope that it will work. In the meantime, the sniper was standing in front of Brooks' office in his palace to say: "I hit him in the heart. Brooks: Great, we'll see how they survive. His laughter and continue: We have to show our weapons in the market, they will not stay in our warehouses forever. One of the men: You have a call from Mira Servedt. Brooks: Hi, Mira. Re: We care about your weapons in our company. Re: How much do you want? Mira: How much do you have? As they waited until Devil came out, it took long and it took hours, the department calling Selena. "I have to go to the department. We have a lot of bodies and I should to be there," she said. Raj: It seems we've really lost Devil. Jessica: I do not know but you should wait for more. Selena left while Jessica was with Raj outside the lake, the sun shone and they were still waiting, Raj: I must swim out of him. Jessica: Can you? The water is very cold. Re: I can't lose my friend Jessica, too I've swam in cold water before. He took off his coat to jump into the lake and dive in search of Devil. After a time, Raj felt a little breathless and could not go out to drown him. Devil had regained consciousness to see Raj and draw him out to the surface, they both came out of lake, Jessica ran to them and said: I thought I'd lost you. Re: We should save Raj now, what was he doing inside the water? Jessica: he was searching for you. Devil pressed Raj's chest to get out water of his mouth that he swallowed. Raj said, "Thank God you're still alive." Devil: Did it take time? Jessica: a lot. Raj: We have to go home now, I freeze from cold. Jessica called Selena to tell her and came to them. When she arrived, she hugged her son and said, "How did you get hurt?" Devil: I did not see who fired but I am sure it is from the outside. They got into the car and went back to the apartment. Devil sat on the couch with Selena and Jessica. Raj went to change his clothes and sat in front of his computer. "You fooled me, so it's my turn now," he said. All of the recordings that were on the Lucas's memory were published. Jessica turned on the television to show an urgent news: The Gangster has published multiple recordings of the involvement of all the Seattle gangs and exposing them to all the charges against them. The police are now conducting a series of arrests of many people in the city. Thank you, Gangster. Raj after seeing the news: You welcome. Selena heard him and says: Are you The Gangster? Re: Technically I'm, But Devil he's been recorded videos. Jessica: Do not be afraid to reveal your identity? Raj: Do not worry, I'm hiding my computer's Internet protocol. They stayed in the apartment until 9 pm. Meanwhile, Brooks had seen the news and was furious: "Find this Gangster. Kevin after he entered the office: I know who is. Re: What? Who? Re: What I will get for? Re: What do you want? Kevin: One of your Warehouses. Re: I sold it so you need to fix something else. Re: Partnership? Brooks laughed to say: Well, who is him? Answer: Raj, friend of Devil. Re: Do you know where he lives? Kevin: In a building on Bruges Street, he lives with Devil. Re: I killed him yesterday, so we'll end this gang-destroying game. Selena: I should leave now, the patrols have begun to arrest the gangs. Devil: I'll go down with you to get you to the car. They both went out, Devil: Thank you for the delivery, otherwise I would have been among the dead. Selena: " don't thank you mother, my son. It is one of my priorities for my only son." The car ran away, and then Devil spotted someone over the building next door carrying a rocket-launcher aimed at the apartment. He ran on the wall of the building to launch the shell, while in the air Devil fired an ice bullet at it before it exploded. All windows glasses of flats broke, the man ran away, but Devil froze his feet to don't make him move. Devil: Who sent you? Re: I cannot say. Re: You or him? He answered with hesitation: He's Brooks. Devil kicked his foot to smash it and the man screamed from the pain. He went into the apartment to find them fine, Raj: We tried to blow us up. Devil: Brooks know who publishes videos. Re: Cannot, that means Kevin is now working with him. Jessica: We have to leave now, to my flat. Raj took his computer out of the building and they walk to Jessica's house. They came in to say, Devil: "We've got to get him over, Brooks will not stop killing people." Raj: Brooks has an impregnable palace with a high security system full of guards. I have a sketch of the house plan and I found it in memory. If you really want to enter, there's only one way across the cellar. You have to disguise myself as a cleaner. Devil: This will not work. Jessica: You should watch the house and see other ways to enter. Devil: Stay secure, I'll go now, Raj sent his location to Devil's phone. He went out to call his mother: Oh God, where are you? Re: We're okay Selena, at Jessica's house. Selena: I have arrived at the explosion site now, I will come to you in an hour. Devil continued his way after he hung up, rode the bus to the palace, watched from behind the trees and saw any way to get there, watched Kevin get out of his car, hid to see him, saw a truck written on it, Harrison's drinks, returned to Jessica's apartment to find his mother and asked him: Where did you go? Devil: To Brooks Palace. She replied: Don't put yourself in danger again, because you recovered yesterday. Re: I well. She replied: He will get his punishment but not by this way. Jessica: Who wants cool drinks? Raj: Soda please. 

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