Chapter XI

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"Return of The Godfather"

Raj: What is this technology? Selena: It must be one of Brooks' weapons. We're still looking for his warehouse until this moment. Raj: We can find information about it in memory. Devil watched from outside to enter the depot and say: What's up? Raj: It's been an ambush, they only have a flour here. Jessica: I think they must have wanted to try the weapons on you. Devil: Any weapons? Devil followed Raj to show him the box, while Jessica just stood with Selena. Meanwhile, a helicopter flew over the warehouse to start shooting at it. The shooting killed a lot of policemen. The shooting stopped. Raj said: It's over. Devil raised his head to see a rocket launcher aimed at them, shouted: "Get out of here." They started to run towards the gate and everyone jumped up as soon as the warehouse exploded to fall out. Everyone stand except Jessica, who lost her consciousness. She was carried away by Devil. There was a pharmacy nearby. went them and said: What is going? Selena: I hit the ground. He checks the wound to tell Raj: Bring me a disinfectant and napkins and gauze from the table. Raj hurried to give it to the pharmacist, Devil: I had to go back. He came out of the pharmacy and ran to scream Selena: Don't back there. Devil went to the warehouse and saw from the side of the door Brooks ordered his men to carry these boxes full of weapons to put them in his trucks, Devil took a telephone from one of the police officers lying on the ground and began to record what is happening inside. shortly, hearing his conversation with Hicks who was with him, Brooks: many boxes remain to be collected. Hicks: Looks like Lucas has sold what was in your warehouse. Re: But the Morinos did it. Brooks took one of the weapons from the boxes next to him and Shooting it in the face of Hicks, Brooks: "What? You are the founder of the Morinos. He fired the bullet from one of his weapons to pierce Hicks in front of him and turn into ashes, he said to one of the men: We should use this with the ice boy. Brooks left using his helicopter. Devil disappeared before Brooks see him. He went back to the pharmacy to find that Jessica had regained her consciousness. Devil: Are you okay? She replied: Yes. Raj: Where were you? Devil: I know who attacked us, he is Brooks. Selena: He escaped from Blackcurton and returned to retrieve his weapons from the warehouse. Devil: Where's Kevin? In the meantime, Raj's apartment was broken into by Victor, a Lupindo man, to find Kevin in the bathroom bound. Kevin: "What do you want?" Victor: I have an agreement with you. Kevin: What is the agreement? Victor: Coster was always wanted to be in Lupindo, so you have to change what you say in court to be in favor of Coster. Re: What if you refused? Victor: Make sure you don't get out of the courtroom alive. The men came out of the apartment, leaving Kevin in his place and they don't make any noise. Devil was on his way to the apartment. He came to the door to open it and walk to the bathroom where Kevin was. He went back to close the door and said, "I don't carry the handcuffs Keys, so you will wait until Selena back. Kicked him hard for what he said about the false deal, Devil: You want to beat me, I'll show you how the opposite happens. It was midnight. Knocks the door to open Devil, they all entered to go Selena to Kevin and unlock the cuffs, Devil grabbed Kevin to lift him on the wall and say: Why did you do that? Who ordered you? Kevin: I did it by orders from Hicks. Devil: He's dead now. Selena: What? He's not in Blackcurton? Devil: Yes, he could get away with Brooks. Devil left Kevin, to sit on the couch, Selena and Jessica left for her home, Devil gave Raj the phone, Raj: Who is this phone? Re: Pick it up from a policeman's pocket, he has an important recording. Raj took it to his computer, extracted the recording from the phone for posting on the Internet, lay down on his bed after making sure to close his room because he was fear from Kevin, Devil lay on the sofa and Kevin on the other, in the morning, Selena went to the warehouse to find the police are still investigating the crime scene, Selena asked: Is it new? Policeman: We have found ashes a person who seems and have lost one of our men's phones. She said: What? In the meantime, Brooks was in his palace at the plantation, outside the city watching the news to broadcast the following news: The gang destroyer published a recording Show Brooks with Hicks, the founder of the Morinos gang, and also reviewed a new type of weapon, fired by Brooks on Hicks to become Ashes Within moments, authorities are still searching for Brooks to arrest him. Brooks: found me who calling himself The Gangster. In Raj's apartment, Devil awoke to see Kevin and Raj watching the news. Kevin: Do you think Brooks will be pleased if you find out you posted it? Re: If he was attacks me, will I have mercy on him? Kevin: You foolish. Devil: What time is it? Raj: 9 am. Kevin: Brooks is free now, he can come at any moment to kill us. Devil: Let him come. I will be waiting for him. Knocks the door to open Raj to enter Selena, she said: Kevin's stay here is over, we have to leave, Devil: trial tomorrow, right? Re: Did you watch the news? It's so dangerous, so he'll be in the police cell, I'll be there all the time. Kevin went out with Selena to leave, Devil: I have to make sure of Kevin, he values. Raj: You have to see this. Re: What? He went to bring Raj his computer, he said: Jessica gave me this memory, she found it in the coat pocket of Lucas when his body came to the morgue. Re: What's interesting about it? Raj: It contains classified information, lists of sellers and buyers, video recordings exposing the implicated, we can thus eliminate all Seattle gangs. Devil wondered: Why were they in the Lucas coat? Re: Maybe he wanted to get rid of the rest of the gangs to be Seattle's king. Re: Maybe he wanted otherwise? I mean he knew he would be killed someday, so put it close to him always to find it. Raj: Anyway, what will we eat for breakfast? Re: Let's go to our favorite restaurant. Raj: Let's go. Raj took the memory out of the computer and put it in his pocket, then they came out. In the meantime, Jessica was in the hospital completing her tests, to show that everything was fine, one of the radiation results was delayed to say the doctor: When the result appears, I'll call you. She replied: Well, thank you, Dr. Sam. she went out of the room to walk in the corridors of the hospital until she reached the reception, sat on her chair, ringing her phone to find the caller is Selena, she replied: Hello, what is it? Selena: Hi Jessica, can you get to Devil? I have calling him a lot but he doesn't answer. Jessica: I will do what I can. She calling Raj, answer: Hello, what's up? She replied: Where are you now? Raj: We eat our breakfast. She replied: You have to call Selena, she wants talk to Devil. Re: Well, I'll call her now. Raj asked: Did you forget your phone? After checking his pocket Re: Looks like, who the caller? Re: Jessica, she wants me to call Selena. Search his phone for her number to call her, Selena: Where is Devil? Raj: "He is in front of me." She replied: Give him the phone, I want him. Raj gave Devil the phone and said: Hi? "What does a police officer phone do in the apartment?" She said. Selena: you get rid it before catch you. End of call, Devil: we have returns to the apartment immediately. After Raj paid the bill, they went into the apartment to give him the phone, Devil: I'll be back soon. 

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