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Arthur Morgan's world has been cruel since the start.

It all started when his mother died from pneumonia when the boy was only five years old. From that day on, it was him, his father, and the dog Copper.

His father, Lyle Morgan, cursed whatever God was above and his own son. Lyle would often take out his anger in the forms of alcohol, crime, and Arthur.

Arthur was 9. Already becoming a man at such a young age. His father, Lyle, had been out drinking again, so he was left in the chilly house with the smoldering fire and Copper. He didn't want to go to bed yet, not until his pa got home.

He was stroking the fire and scratching his dog behind the ears, when his father busted through the door, smelling of cheap liquor. Arthur jumped a mile high, frozen like a deer.

Arthur had done all of his chores for the day. Chopping the firewood, keeping the fire going for the long winter, and scrubbed their metal plates and spoons the best he could.

"Did you get more firewood today?" his father breathed in Arthur's face. The stench caused Arthur to gag, but he somehow managed to hold it together.

"No, sir," he replied with a strained voice, not wanting to breathe. "I didn't know I had to."

Big mistake. Arthur hadn't always been the brightest child, but this was not good. He should have just lied and said yes.

Lyle's drunken eyes got narrower as his eyebrows sloped downwards. "What do you mean, boy? Do ya really wish for us to die out here!"

Arthur winced. He already knew what was coming, but it didn't make it any better. He was still afraid all the same.

His father kicked Copper, making it skitter out of the room. Arthur didn't have time to feel sorry for the dog, because with only the fire light and the glow of the moon, Lyle cracked the back of his hand across Arthur's face, the sound merging with the cackling of the firewood.

Arthur's thin frame flung to the dark wooden floor, light and easy to toss around from such little food in their home.

The wolves howled outside in the night as Arthur's father kicked him in the side, knocking the wind out of his chest. Arthur had always loved the sound of the wolves, but moments like these always ruined it for him.

Lyle lifted Arthur up onto his feet by his shirt and pulled him so close to his face, that Arthur could see the blood vessels in his eyes. Lyle launched spit onto his face as he hissed in his ear, "Think twice before disrespecting me again, boy." before dropping him to the floor.

Lyle stalked off to his bedroom that he used to share with Arthur's mother. Wincing, Arthur pushed himself onto his feet, and dragged himself into his bed. Copper scampered over and curled up next to the boy, keeping each other warm through the night.

It was hard always hard to sleep, with the loud snoring in the next room, and the bruises on his ribs.

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