The Birthday Boy

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Arthur's reading was coming along quickly. Soon enough, he was reading kids books that they got from the store. He felt bad, having to ask Dutch for help for simple words, but he was coming along.

He even started writing. Not anything good, just random stories about his day. It wasn't anything special, but Dutch praised him for his correct spelling.

Hosea didn't speak much to Arthur. Even as spring approached, not much had gone on between them. Hosea never invited Arthur to go to the store with him, always bringing along Dutch.

Arthur cleaned the camp a lot more often. Before, Hosea wouldn't get mad too often, but tensions now were high, causing Hosea to get mad from just about anything. Arthur couldn't believe he had created such a stir.

Eventually, summer began. It was almost impossible to tell, because it was blazing hot year round, but they managed to keep track of the days.

One afternoon, Arthur and Dutch were just sitting and reading some of Dutch's philosophy books. They had gone out and robbed a bit of cash from the general store the previous day, so they all took the day off.

"Arthur," Hosea greeted, walking over from his tent. "It's about time you started learning how to shave."

Arthur had noticed the few mustache hairs he was getting, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Apparently Hosea expected him to.

"He's right, Arthur," Dutch agreed, when Arthur sighed. "Get up and go get it done."

Arthur hated it when Dutch scolded him, but went and did it none the less.

Hosea taught Arthur about the fine art with all of the malice he usually had these past few months.

Arthur tried his best to follow along, but he knew Hosea didn't want to teach him. However, Arthur was a pretty quick learner, so he soon had a clean face with only a couple nicks. Arthur was quite proud of himself.

Hosea clapped the boy on the back. "Good work. We'll make a man of you yet," Hosea praised, filling Arthur with warmth for the first time in a while.

Arthur couldn't help but smile a little. "Thanks, sir." It felt good to have Hosea praise him.

Arthur went to sit back down next to Dutch. Dutch looked up from his book when he heard Arthur approach.

"I have to say, that's a big improvement," Dutch complimented him, with a smile. "How's the book coming along?"

"Good, sir," Arthur replied. "I do have a good teacher, after all."

Dutch laughed. "Sure, but if you want to really refine what you do, Hosea's the one to ask."

Arthur hummed in response. "I might have to ask him about that then," he replied, standing, then going over to Hosea's tent.

"Knock knock," Arthur greeted, lifting the flap. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Arthur," Hosea replied, putting down the rag he was using to clean his pistol. "What do you need?"

"Mr. Van der Linde told me that if I wanted to refine my writing I should come to you," Arthur started, scratching the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you'd be up for helping me."

Hosea smiled a rare smile to the younger. "Of course, my boy. Sit down! I'll grab us some pen and paper."

And that's when Hosea taught Arthur more. Dutch had taught the boy the necessary vocabulary, but Hosea helped him expand farther, giving him new words that Arthur never would have learned before. Eventually, their relationship rekindled, and everything was okay.

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