Shooting and Speaking

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The next day, Dutch took Arthur out to learn how to shoot while Hosea went out hunting.

It was a warm, dry, day and Dutch had found a tree with a knot around chest high the day before for him to shoot at. Once they dismounted their horses, he unholstered his revolver. They crunched through the pine needles over to the tree, and gave Arthur everything he needed to know.

"Okay, so when you shoot, you need to pull the hammer back here," Dutch explained, pointing to the metal piece near the back. "Then, you can pull the trigger."

Dutch then demonstrated, standing 15 feet away from the tree with his boots shoulder width apart and 2 hands on the weapon. With steady hands, Dutch fired, hitting the knot near the middle.

The loud bang caused Arthur to flinch a little bit. Dutch gave Arthur a bit of a knowing smile when the weapon was handed off.

The gun was heavier than Arthur anticipated. The metal of the barrel and the cylinder was cold, while the grip was warm from Dutch's hands.

Arthur copied Dutch's stance, then held the gun with two hands like Dutch did. Dutch then went and corrected him, moving his shoulders back a bit and spreading his feet a bit farther. Arthur then pulled back the hammer, and, trying to copy Dutch's calmness, pulled the trigger. The kickback shot Arthur's hands up and locked his knees in.

Arthur hit the tree, but no where near the knot. He lowered the gun. This was going to be a little difficult.

"Not bad!" Dutch said to him, plucking the gun from Arthur's shaking hands. "Next time, don't close your eyes. And try to use the sight," Dutch pointed to a metal piece at the end of the barrel, "to help you aim." He then pressed the gun into Arthur's hands again. "Try it one more time."

This time Arthur didn't close his eyes. He got his stance right first try. He pulled back the hammer and peered down the sights with one eye open. Before Dutch could get impatient, he fired. This time, he was ready for the kickback and got awfully close to the knot in the wood. Not like Dutch did, but not bad.

Dutch seemed to agree. "That was really good, son!" he exclaimed, clapping a smiling Arthur on the back.

"Thanks, sir" Arthur replied, handing the gun back to Dutch.

Dutch then sat Arthur down on a log and told him all he needs to know about reloading his revolver.

Arthur learned how to put on the caps, put charge into the chambers, and put the bullets into the chambers. Dutch didn't seem to know everything about the gun, like what smaller individual pieces were called, but they got down the important parts, and soon the gun was ready to be shot again.

Arthur was soon able to hit the tree knot pretty well, and soon Dutch let him try shooting with one hand, and even while walking.

Dutch even let Arthur try shooting his repeater, his rifle, and his shotgun. The power of the shotgun made Arthur's bones quake and the kickback knocked his shoulder back painfully.

Dutch laughed when Arthur expressed immediate dislike to the shotgun. Arthur, however, loved the rifle. The range and the sights made it easy while still giving him power.

"If you want it, you can have it," Dutch offered, when Arthur hit the knot of the tree again with the rifle.

Arthur considered, before politely declining.

The sun was going down, meaning that they had been out all day. Hosea was probably back at camp.

Before they mounted their horses, Dutch gave Arthur a gift. The revolver.

"Just to borrow," Dutch warned. "You'll get your own gun soon enough when we get down to Armadillo."

Arthur smiled. Without thinking, he said, "Thank you, dad."

Not catching his mistake, Arthur went I put his new revolver in his saddle bag, before Dutch replied, "You're real goofy, Mr. Morgan."

"Sir?" Arthur asked, confused. He didn't think he did anything goofy today.

"Sure, playing dumb, son," Dutch laughed.

Arthur quickly retraced his speaking and then realized. "I'm sorry Mr. Van der Linde, I didn't mean to say that at all!"

Dutch laughed harder as Arthur's cheeks tinged pink. "It's all good, son," he said between breaths.

Arthur laughed too, mounting his horse. Before he knew what the hell was happening, Dutch was sitting behind him.

"If you don't mind, I want to give The Count a break and see how your riding is coming along."

"Sure, sir," Arthur replied awkwardly, before giving Beatrice a nudge in the side, sending them off through the trees.

Beatrice shook her head as they went through the leaves, The Count following close behind.

Arthur felt it was odd to have Dutch's hands around his waist, but Dutch seemed to think nothing of it.

"Your riding has definitely improved," Dutch commented, as they got back to camp.

"Thank you, sir," Arthur replied, as he hitched his horse and Dutch climbed off.

"I'm excited to see the young man you grow into," Dutch added quietly. Before Arthur could respond, Dutch was gone to talk to Hosea over by the fire.

That night Arthur learned how great rabbit tasted when it was cooked over a fire, surrounded by those who cared about him.

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