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2022.08.01JST1408: 1st Floor (F1)Town of Beginnings (ToB)Fountain Plaza

Immediately upon entering, I see an impressive and elaborate looking archway, players scattered about in the large plaza. I hear echoes from various conversations, sounds of people in menus scrolling about, and the fountain's pitter-pattering water right behind me. My nose picks up a pleasant smell of flowers situated near the fountain, and a slight hint of baked goods is also in the air. 

"This is one hell of a game." I blurted out loud. Snapping my fingers as I remembered.
"I have to set up my shortcuts, it slipped my mind when I was being bored to death by the system explaining every little thing." Navigating my menu, I set emergency potions, hiding, and searching as shortcuts. After they were set I glanced at the time. "Gah, it's already 1410?! Did I really spend an hour in that tutorial? For a basic tutorial that took way too long. How did all these people finish before me?" I say aloud with a puzzled look but I slowly realize that "They probably just skipped it huh..." I huff and facepalm, "Well bright side is that now I'm more knowledgeable." 

Glancing at the archway I noticed an NPC with an exclamation mark above her head. She looked troubled and her name just happened to be 'Troubled woman'. "Well, that's quite generic." I state while making my way towards her. "Exclamation mark means a quest is available. This is going to be the start of my life as an adventurer." 

Interacting with the NPC she says, "Hello, you look quite able. I'm in need of assistance. I am unable to get to the herbs because of these boars. Could you clear some out of the way for me?" A prompt appears with the quest objectives, Kill 5 Frenzy Boars in the open field outside of the city. Rewards: 300 EXP, 1000 Col. "I'd be happy to help. Accept quest." The exclamation mark turns into a question mark after accepting. A quest marker appears on my mini-map leading outside of the city. Double checking my gear and shortcuts, I make my way out towards the open fields.

2022.08.01JST1416: F1 Open Field outside of ToB

A Vast landscape appears right before my eyes as I walk towards the quest marker. Far off into the distance several floating islands litter the background. The beautiful sky stretches as far as my eyes can see. The area isn't very quiet as I notice a player yelling at another. 

"HEY ASSHOLE! WHY'D YOU PULL THAT MOB TOWARDS ME FOR?! NOW I'M AT HALF HP!" A tall and rather large Male equipped with a sword and shield was violently yelling at a more slender and timid looking player equipped with a dagger.

 "I'm sorry, I couldn't attack it and just started running away..." the player said meekly but the larger player was still fuming. 

"I'll just take half of your HP and we can say that were even!" 

"But wa-wai-!" The timid player trying to talk the other player out if it but was interrupted by a sword to his shoulder injuring him. Screaming and holding his shoulder in pain. 

"Serves you right asshole." The cursor above the large players head turns orange.

At this moment is when I rush towards them. 

"Orange means extra EXP and he's already half HP." 

Drawing my rapier and used the sword art 'linear'. Closing the gap while aiming at the assailant's neck. Due to his HP being half and attacking a weak point, I killed him with that one hit. As he shatters into digital remains, I sheathe my rapier. 

A window prompt appears with EXP, Col, and all his items as rewards. 'Congratulations!' Appears above our heads and says 'LEVEL UP! Lvl. 3' showing me the increases I gained."Wow, that was a lot of EXP to jump 2 levels." Holding out a hand to the injured player. "Hi I'm Echo, wanna be friends?"

Sword Art Online: EchoesWhere stories live. Discover now