Chapter 31

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"Well, well, I only gave you 10 minutes, but you took 11 minutes, shall daddy give punishment to babyboy?" He asked in a deep voice with a smirk......

I stopped breathing for a second. What? What did he just say?! I acted as if I didn't hear it and made myself comfortable in bed and closed my eyes.

"Didn't you hear me?" He asked in his deep devil voice. Gosh.

"What?" I asked as if I didn't hear what he said.

"Forget it" He said as he walked towards the bed.

"Good night kookie." I said as I started to doze off.

"Good night baby" he whispered sending me chill down to my spin but ignored it.

•Next morning•

I woke up due to light hitting my face. My front was cold, but oddly my back felt warmth; to be honest the most comfortable side... I wonder what is giving me warmth, just when it strikes me.

I quickly turned around.


"YAH JUNGKOOK!" I shouted.

"Mmmm 5 more minutes hyung~" He whined as he snuggled into my neck. Ooooof god I need help.

I felt bad for him, so I stayed like that for few minutes, anyways I loved it✨. Jungkook suddenly mumbled something.

"Hyung.... you know how handsome you are? My heart beats rapidly for you... I love you hyung..." he mumbled.

My heart started blushing so hard and my heart started palpitating in a speed of a cheetah. I couldn't take it anymore, it feels like suffocating.

"JUNGKOOK!" I screamed in his ears to see the cute little bunny get up and looking around lost. I just remained in the bed calm and breathing in and out comfortable.

"Hyung? Why did you shout my name?" He asked as he held onto his chest and gave a dramatic look.

"Ooof you were suffocating me" I got up walking towards the door.

"Between clean my room I need it clean when I get back home"

"But I have work today!" He lied and I knew it!

"Hey lier, I know your schedule memorized, you have work tomorrow not today" I said while giving off sassy look.

"FINE!" He groaned in frustration.  I chuckled as I left the room. Gosh he so cute. Can't wait till I tell him!!!  Gosh.

[walking to the café]

I walked towards the cafe as I felt someone was following me. I gave quick glance behind me, but there was no one... ok.... I continued walking but got stopped by this stranger asking for route.

"Excuse me... do you know where is this place?" He asked as he pulled up his mask to cover himself more.

I gave a look at the address. It gave me old memories. It's was our kidnaping place.

"Um.. if it's not my business, may I know why you want to know the address for this?" I asked.

"Cause...." He said as he pulled down his mask.

"For this" He continued as I felt my hands being hand cuffed. What...?

"I am the son of Kim seo Jun, Kim seo Jin, nice to meet you"

I looked at the guy, he looked familiar. Just when it clicked in my head. ITS THAT GUY WHO STARED AT ME WEIRDLY IN THE WASHROOM.

I quickly gave a back kick on the guys dick, whose behind me and punched seo Jin with my cuffed hand and started running as his guards started chasing after me. What should I do??? I don't have any weapons. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!

I quickly ran into the nearest crowded restaurant so that they can't find me. I somehow managed to get my phone out of my pocket and called Jungkook. But he didn't attend the call.

I quickly sent him a message

Hey jungkook, I am being chased by Kim seo Jun's son, Kim seo Jin, pls send help.

I quickly turned off my phone, and quickly pulled on my hood, made my hair cover my eyes, got a mask from my bag and cover my face.  I quickly exit from that place and walked towards our café. Just when a hand held me.

"I am not dumb enough to not notice u from the clothes you are wearing." Kim seo jin spoke from behind.

A/n: hope y'all loved it!

Written by: JIKOOK_28

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