Chapter 11

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-Jace's POV-


I entered the bar I agreed to meet up with the man who said he could take care of my 'problem'. He said he was the best at leaving no trace and that what he did never lead to his clients. I had made a decision and I wanted her. And I knew with 'him' in the way, that wouldn't happen.

I sat at the bar and ordered a vodka, I was going to need it. 10 minutes  later and Gordon arrived. He was dressed in inconspicuous clothes, I waved him over and he took a seat next to me.

"So, you called me about a extermination." Gordon says, ordering himself a bourbon. " Want to see my prices ?"

I smiled, chuckling a bit. He was straight to the point and I liked it. It wouldn't be easy what I was going to ask him to do. Best of all, he excepted cold hard cash. So it wouldn't be traced back to me.

"I have the cash, can you do it ?" I asked, opening my duffle with stacks of hundred dollar bills inside.

Gordon smiled and took a sip of his drink. Then he nodded his head, shaking my hand.

"Got yourself a deal, I just need to know everything about this dude and where he will be on the night of 'extermination'." Gordon stated. "I never disappoint with my tracking skills."

I slid over the file that had all Gordon needed to know about Luke. Gordon leafed through it and chuckled.

"What this pretty boy do to you for you to want him dead ?" Gordon asked.

I clenched my fists, everything. Luke ruined everything !

"None of your damn business." I said. "Just get rid of him and the rest of the money will be on your door step after the deed is done."

Gordon takes the duffle and gets up, taking one last sip of his drink.

"Okay, I'll keep you posted once it's done." Gordon said and he swiftly exits the bar to avoid drawing attention to ourselves.

I looked at a photo of me,Luke and Crystal. I cropped Luke out so it was just me and Crys, she was so beautiful and soon she'd have no reason to not be with me.

-End Of flashback-

I sat at the very bar I encountered Gordon for the first time in person, waiting for him. He called me and said he needed to talk. 

Gah ! What could he possibly want now ? More money ? In his wildest dream. He's lucky I couldn't kill him in a public place. Luckily like last time, it was quiet. But I still had to be careful.

Gordon shows up and again takes a seat next to me at the bar, I order us drinks and we sit in the back of the bar to avoid ease droppers.

"So, Gordon. You brought me out here." I said. "What do you want ?"

"I think their onto me." Gordon said, I choked on my drink as soon as he said it.

Damn it ! He better be just paranoid ! 

"What do you mean ? Their onto us ?" I rasped.

Gordon then went on to explain how the cops had come to his work to ask him about his work truck and it's whereabouts the night of Luke's murder. 

"Did they specifically mention Luke ?" I demanded. " I thought you were careful !"

" I was ! And no but I could tell they thought they had something on me." Gordon said. "So what do I do ?"

Damn he's such a pain ! Why didn't I just do it myself ? Oh right.. Crystal would've recognized me.. This is such a mess. I was going to need to take care of this.

"Here's what you're going to do." I said. " You will continue on as normal and make sure nothing in your house or truck can connect you to what happened that night. Got it ?"

Gordon nods his head, I pat him on the back and send him on his way. I had enough of him today.

"Dan ? I'll take another beer."  

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