Side Chapter 1: Spending time with Meliodas

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(A/N: I hope you guys enjoy chapter 2. I know you guys have been patient with me while I was writing this and I can't thank you enough for that. So without further ado let's get to the story.)

Meliodas's P.O.V:
We went back to the castle. Where Zarataras and the king were waiting for us. I went upstairs to my room with my precious little princess and put her on the bed. I was watching my little princess roll around on the bed. 'She is just so adorable.' I thought. She then started doing a little grabbing motion toward me. "You want to be picked up?" I asked her. She happily nodded her head. So I did as she asked and picked her up. "Aww~ You're so cute when you're in my arms~," I said with a smile as I held her in my arms. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, just by holding my little princess and having her smile at me. I wish this feeling and this moment could last forever, but sadly it can't. Just then Zarataras came through my bedroom door. "Good evening Meliodas." He said to me. "Good evening," I said back a bit annoyed that he interrupted my time with Y/N. "And who might this be?" He said taking Y/N out of my hands.

'How dare he not only interrupt my time with my little princess but also snatch her out of my hands! He will pay dearly for this!' I thought angrily. I kept my natural face on so Zarataras couldn't tell what I was thinking. I saw Y/N smiling at Zarataras and giggling, while Zarataras was laughing and having a good time with her to my dismay. Then suddenly her head turned towards me with a worried expression like she knew what I was thinking. She then did the grabbing motion again wanting me to pick her up. 'Ha! Take that Zarataras she wants me not you!' I laughed in my mind. I then took little Y/N out of his and into mine. In my arms is where my precious little princess belongs. She then gave me a toothless smile. Which I gladly returned with my smile.

Zarataras's P.O.V:
I looked at Meliodas with such jealousy and a glare that could melt steel. 'How dare he take My Shining Little Star out of my arms like that he will pay!' I thought as I gritted my teeth in pure jealousy. Meliodas noticed this and stuck his tongue out at me like a child. 'How dare he!!!' I thought as I clenched my fists. Then I saw my shining little star give me a worried and scared look so I immediately calmed down just for my star. 'But this is not the end of this Meliodas! I will have my shining star back just you wait!' I thought starting to calm down from my rage.

Meliodas's P.O.V:
After playing with MY little princess I finally decided to tell Zarataras about Y/N. "Alright, Zarataras see this adorable little one I'm holding in my arms is Y/N. The other Sins and I found her in the woods about to be attacked by wolves, but luckily we got there just in time to save her from getting eaten by those savage beasts." I quickly and effectively explained. Suddenly I felt like I was forgetting to tell him something important. "Oh, and she is also part of the goddess race," I said nonchalantly as Zarataras's jaw dropped. "You mean she is from a race that has been gone for so long that they're presumed to be dead!" Zarataras yelled. "Yup," I answered back smiling. My little princess giggled at the fact that Zarataras thought her race was dead. I looked over at my little princess as I felt myself blush and my heart skipped a beat as I listened to my little princess giggles. 'God I love her so much~.' I thought with a love-struck smile. In the corner of my eye, I could see Zarataras giving MY princess the same look I was giving her. 'How dare he!' I lifted my princess and asked, "Hey Y/N would you like some food."

She nodded her head so with that I exited my room with my little princess and both of us went down to the kitchen to get her something to eat. I sat her down in a high chair as I got some baby food out of the cabinets. I sat down in front of her as I opened the jar of baby food I then got a spoon and began feeding her the baby food. She hummed happily as she was fed. After she was done I throw the jar away and picked her up to clean her off. I walked into the bathroom with her and placed her on the toilet lid and began to run water in the bathtub. Once the water was at a good height I placed her in the bath to clean her up. After I was down cleaning her I placed her back on the toilet lid with a towel around her cute and tiny body. I drain the bathwater then I lifted my princess off the toilet lid and went back to my room to dress her. When I entered my room I noticed Zarataras had left. 'Good.' I thought as I sat my princess down on my bed with the towel still around her body. I then began to search through my clothes for one that would fit her.

Just then I heard a tiny voice say "Meliwodas?" I turned as quickly as I could. "What did you say?" I asked kind of excited ok a lot excited. "Meliwodas!" She said louder with a lot more confidence. 'OMG, I was her first word. I was her first words there is no way to describe how happy I am right now!' I thought as she giggled cutely. I lifted her and spun her a bit saying "You said your first words! Your first words!" I was excited, but I gently set her back down and found her some good PJs to wear since the sun was setting. I put her into the PJs and laid her down on my bed I laid next to her and held her close as she hugged back. I said "Goodnight my precious little princess~." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. We both then fell asleep in each other's embrace as I smiled happily in my sleep as I dream of my little princess.

(A/N: Thank you guys so much for being so patient with me and I hope all of you enjoyed the story. Well, goodbye for now. This is Alphabloom152 signing off for now. Bye~)

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