Side Chapter 3: Spending time with King

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(A/N: King is in his human form in this chapter unless I say otherwise.)

King's P.O.V:
It was 10 am and I was walking to the throne room to collect my breathtaking little dove from Ban. As I walked into the throne room I saw Ban playing with my little dove. I gritted my teeth at this sight. "Ban," I said bitterly. "I believe it's my turn with Y/N." I finished dryly, but I said my dove's name sweetly. I smiled at my dove and she smiled back. 'Oh, how I love my little dove.' I thought lovingly. I took my little dove out of Ban's arms and into mine. Ban was giving me a jealous glare, but I didn't care because all I care about is my breathtaking little dove. My little dove then spoke, "I wove King!" And I replied, "Aww, I love you too my little dove." And after I walked out of the throne room leaving Ban in his jealous rage.

I walked to my room and changed into my fairy form. As soon as I did my little dove's eyes began to water. Then she began to cry and I panicked. "H-hey don't cry it's me, King." I picked up Y/N and began to rock her trying to calm her down. "Sh sh sh it's ok. It's ok it's me, King." I said with my best smile. Y/N looked at me and stopped crying, but she was still sniffling. I wiped her stray tears away with my thumb as I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. My little dove then pointed at the window. "Do you want to go outside," I asked her and she shook her head yes. I turned back into my human form and took her outside to get the stroller to take her on a walk around town. As soon as we got the stroller we went on our walk. As we walked through town we saw Howzer and Griamore playing with Gilthunder and we're coming this way. They stop in front of us and all of them blushed at my breathtaking little dove which made me mad.

Howzer's P.O.V:
As I gazed upon her beautiful face I knew she would be My Innocent Little Bunny~. I blushed as I looked at her and all her beautiful glory.

Griamore's P.O.V:
'Who is this adorable cutie in front of me?' I thought while blushing. I love her~. She will be My Adorable Little Puppy forever.

Gilthunder's P.O.V:
After a day of not seeing my sweet little kitty and here she is right in front of me. I blushed as I gazed at her face once again.

King's P.O.V:
Oh, how I hate those boys for thinking that they could casually look at my breathtaking little dove. Oh if they weren't kids I would slaughter them in my wake with no hesitation whatsoever. I would kill all three of them for my little dove. They all stopped blushing and glared at me which I was more than happy to return.

After our little starring match, I said: "Well, don't just stand there, introduce yourselves to my little dove so she knows your names." After that, they all introduced themselves to my little dove Gilthunder going first. "Hi, little one I'm Gilthunder." Howzer went next "Hi I'm Howzer." Griamore went last "H-hi I'm Griamore." my little dove spoke up "Hellwo my name is Y/N." All three of them blushed at this and I did too. I patted her head and said "Good job Y/N." And she smiled up at me.

After our encounter with the three annoying brats, we went back to the castle because it was getting dark out and Y/N was getting tired. We went into my room and I picked out some clothes for my little dove to wear to bed. I then laid her down on my bed and lay next to her we both then fell asleep almost immediately, but before we did I heard her whisper "I wove you, King." And I smiled at this before peacefully drifting off to sleep.

(AN: Thank you guy for being so patient and waiting for this chapter to come out and I hope you guys all enjoyed it.)

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