Side Chapter 4: Spending time with Diane

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Diane's P.O.V:
As I walked to King's room to collect my amazing little goddess I began fiddling with the necklace Merlin made to make me small. As I walked in I saw King holding my little goddess in his arms. I growled lowly. "King," I started bitterly. "Wake up." I finished with a glare. King opened his eyes and yawned loudly. He rubbed his eye with one hand while still holding on to my little goddess. "Good morning Diane," King said happily. "Good morning," I said bitterly. After rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he finally let go of my amazing little goddess 'Thank goodness.' I thought.

"King, I believe that it's my turn with Y/N," I said bitterly, but I said my little goddess' name sweetly. After I collected my amazing little goddess I decided to go on a tour of the castle with, my little goddess. So I put her in a stroller and began our tour of the castle.

*Time Skip to After The Tour Because Author-Chan is Lazy*

Diane's P.O.V:
"And there is the banquet hall." I finally finished the tour. Then I heard her stomach growl meaning she was hungry. So we went into the kitchen to get something to eat since it was lunchtime. I grabbed a high chair and placed her in it, then I grabbed a jar of baby food. I sat down in a chair and began to feed Y/N some baby food. Afterward, I gave my little goddess a bath to clean her up. I put her back in her stroller and we continued to walk the halls until we crossed paths with the three princesses Margaret, Veronica, and Elizabeth. As soon they set their eyes on Y/N they blushed which made me angry.

Margaret's P.O.V:
I saw her and my heart skipped a beat. I knew she would be My Pretty Little Teddy Bear. I could feel the heat in my cheeks rising. The heat in my cheeks died down as I stopped looking at my little teddy bear and glared at Diane.

Veronica's P.O.V:
As soon as I saw her my cheeks turned red and from then on I knew she would be My Exquisite Little Cutie-pie. After I stopped blushing I glared at Diane.

Elizabeth's P.O.V:
As soon as I laid my eyes on this beautiful creature I knew she would be mine. She would be My Special Little Cupcake. I blushed as my eyes met hers. I stopped blushing and glared at Diane.

Diane's P.O.V:
All three sisters glared at me which I returned. "Well, princesses are going to introduce yourself or not," I said bitterly. Margaret went first "Hello little one my name is Margaret." Then Veronica "Hi my name is Veronica." And finally Elizabeth "Hey there my name is Elizabeth." Then my little goddess spoke up "Hellwo my name is Y/N." We all blushed at her adorableness. I picked her up, gave her a big hug, and said "Good job Y/N."

After meeting the three bratty princesses in the hallway we went to my room because the sun was setting. I picked up my little goddess and got her some pajamas. As we were drifting off to sleep I heard her say "I love Diane." That made me so happy! After that, we both fell asleep.

(A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me while I made this. And I hope you all enjoyed it. This Alphabloom152 signing off for now. Buh-bye!)

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