Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of two boys voices in the hallway. One sounds like Bill the other I don't recognize. The unfamiliar voice is begging Bill to let him into my room, which is strange because I didn't think anyone noticed me. Bill keeps telling him no and finally the other boy leaves.

"What was that about?"

Bill walks into my room shutting the door behind him, " Macy it was nothing, don't worry about it."

I sighed and laid my head down on my pillow, "Why didn't you let him in? You know I have no friends Bill!!"

He walks over to me sitting down on the edge of my bed, "He's not good for you Macy trust me."

With that he walks out of my room shutting off my light and leaving me wondering.


Downstairs they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. The food isn't bad but, it's not good either. I walk into the small, depressing cafeteria and immediately my eyes go to the other side of the room.

Tall. Tattooed. Red hair. Perfect.

I don't know how long I stared at him but at soon as I snapped out of it, he was looking at me too...


Micheal's P.O.V

I know it was her. That was the girl last night. Dumbass Bill wouldn't let me into her room. I saw her walking the hall with Calum, one of my band mates. I knew right then I had to meet her. Calum was probably already dating her but I just hope they're just friends.

She is so gorgeous. Standing there with her red hair, not as red as mine but damn. Her freckles sprinkling her face perfectly and those perfect brown eyes, same as Calum's actually. I watch her as she realizes she was staring at me and then walked away to get her food.


Macy's P.O.V

Like I mentioned before, I don't have many friends so I don't sit by anyone. I normally take my food to my room so I can take my pills and watch movies for the rest of the day.

Today is different. I find myself walking over to where the boy is.


"Hey!" He pulls out a chair for me to sit down in and then looks at me.


"Oh sorry, I just. Ummmm. You're just so beautiful..."

"Um.. Thanks I guess."

He smiles at me and continues to eat. I follow in what he's doing and we eat in silence. I finish before him, I took less food. When he finishes he says, "Wanna go for a walk?"


He takes my tray and his. One in each of his hands and dumps them, he's really sweet.

"I saw you with Calum yesterday."

"Oh um ya that was the first time he visited. I miss him a lot."

"How long have you guys been dating?"

Oh goodness. He thinks we're dating?!? Hahaha. I start laughing and he looks at me confused.

"Cal's my brother!"


Micheal's P.O.V

I decide half way through my breakfast that I want to get to know this girl. I ask her to go on a walk and to my surprise she says yes to my tattooed ass. I automatically know I want to ask her about Cal because he's my friend and I think I could get to know this girl.

So I ask her. *facepalm* I should've seen it when I noticed her eyes. Oh well.

"Oh sorry.."

She smiles at me and laughs, "It's okay, we don't look that much alike! But why were you wondering?"

"Oh well um. Just because Calum's my friend and stuff..."

"Duh! Isn't you're name Mitchell or something? Sorry last time he described you, you had purple hair!"

"My names actually Micheal, Micheal Clifford. Sorry I don't know your name either."

"Oh yea haha. Underestimated, non-social Macy Hood at your service."

Now that makes me laugh. How is such a gorgeous girl like that anti social? Im about to ask but then I remember where we are. I was sent here because since our band will be famous soon I decided to choose a small town. My mate is here too. Luke. We just got here yesterday. I feel like Macys been here for longer.


Hey guys so please like, comment and follow!(:

That day. A Micheal Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now