Laying the bricks

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*timeskip, Saturday afternoon*
I'm sat with Yang and Nora in my apartment laughing and catching up on the latest occurrences around the school. Venom is stretching from my arm in tendril form.

Yang stretches and gives out a cute squeal
Yang: "two days until the dance! I cannot wait to show every one how busy we've been."

Y/n: "yeah... just great."

Yang: "aw come on it can't be that bad!"

Y/n: "oh yeah? Hey tell me, what does a calendar have that I don't?"

Venom: "an entire written list of days and holidays throughout the year?"

Nora: "I mean he's not wrong."

Yang: "oh... you don't have a date do you?"

Y/n: "not unless Venom wants to wear a bow tie and dance with me no."

Venom narrows his eyes and looks at the girls
Venom: "neither of you get any ideas."

Nora: "aww come on Venny! You'd look cute!"

Venom: "I will eat you."

Nora pokes her tongue out at Venom who smiles

Yang: "I'm sorry Y/n. I'd take you but I have to focus on getting the party ready so I can't."

Nora: "and me and Ren are going together otherwise I'd bring you with me."

Y/n: "it's fine... I probably won't go."

Yang: *groan* "another person not going?!"

Y/n: "sorry but I don't wanna be on my own at the punch bowl looking sorry for myself."

Yang: "it's fine... sorry I'm getting stressed out from organising the dance and still trying to get Blake to stop being so uptight. She's been nonstop."

Nora: "She even turned down Sun when he asked her."

Y/n: "sounds bad... I'd assume you've got a plan to sort that out?"

Yang: "oh yeah, she'll be there. Well come on Nora, we've gotta go get our dresses."

The pair of them get up and hug me as they leave

Nora: "bye Venny!"

Venom: "bye crazy girl!"

They close the door and I'm left in silence again. I press play on my stereo and stand up

*play song at top*

I hear my scroll going off in my pocket. I grab it and answer it.

Y/n: "hello?"

Oobleck: "ah son good! Finally caught you, I've been trying your phone all day."

Y/n: "yeah sorry I've been busy. What's up?"

Oobleck: "I don't have long son so listen, things have changed since you've been gone. Ozpin has become distant, focusing all his time on either eating, sleeping or in his new facility."

Y/n: "facility?"

Oobleck: "indeed, he calls it the holding tank. Every time he comes out he seems more determined to find... something. I can't tell you what as I am sworn to secrecy."

Y/n: "dad if it's that important that you'd confide in me then it must be life or death."

Oobleck: "more like planet or bust. This could end Remnant as we know it. There's a powerful force fighting against Ozpin and he's doing his best to fight back... but he's changed too much that it scares me."

Just me and the voice in my head- cheater Weiss X Venom Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now