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Weeks of enduring Uchiha shinobi training in the depths of the wilderness had Kri more alive than she had ever been in her lifetime. She sat, munching on a snack brought to the training grounds by the other women for her and the other shinobi. Her mind remembered the emptiness of losing everything, the pain of being nobody again just how she started out last time. She wasn't sure if this time was different. Now she was the first outsider and a woman, allowed in the Uchiha ranks. The women of the clan also trained hard, but never with the men. And not like Kri had been allowed to. It had taken only days for the clan to warm up to her, she guessed she just fit in well. Setsuna plopped down next to her,

"Lord Madara is requesting your presence." His voice cut her thoughts in half, and earned him a curious look. He picked up a snack from the plate between them and started to chew on it. Why would he want to see her? Sure he visited the training every other day. Kri didn't try to stand out, but it was hard not to. She had been training with the men at Madara's request, since she wasn't susceptible to the Sharingan. This forced them to improve their other skills, making them a more well-rounded force. She also didn't hold her tongue about stupid decisions either that the other leaders made. More often than not, the men she trained with would side with her, maybe laugh, but then remind her the leaders were there for a reason. "You should probably go." Setsuna laughed, smacking her arm. "Don't get all day dreamy on him." 

"Day dreamy?" She shot back, standing up from her spot on the resting area. He gave her a knowing look.

"You always zone out when he's around. It makes you seem like you're daydreaming." He chewed, a smirk across his face.

"You men, always thinking its about you." She shook her head and walked off, waving back to him as he cackled.

Stupid Setsuna. He didn't know anything. Madara's power often distracted her. It was hard not to sense him right away, and she was sure she wasn't a sensory ninja. It was like gravity pulled her in his direction. She stood outside the door leading to his small office area. The guards stepped aside and let her through. Kri knocked on the door, and entered when called. She bowed ever so slighly, something she only did for him, everyone else be damned.

"I am here." She spoke, raising to see his eyes meet hers. He motioned for her to sit in front of him at the table. Her eyes scanned the small room, the walls lined with bookshelves of scrolls and books, the maps on the other walls, a shinobi command center. She sat down, and her gaze hit the table. It was amassed with intel, a small map with tiny scratchings on it, numbers and data. 

"You mentioned you were... a supplier in your past life." He started.

"Tactical logistician." she corrected, still looking at the documents without moving any of them. She raised her eyes to his, an apology on her face for interrupting him. He paused, and then continued,

"Here is the problem we are currently faced with." Madara began to explain the current battlefield situation between the Uchiha and the Leaf, the way their forces were made up entirely of Senju with some small clans mixed in, their rotational forces, and the lines of effort. She said nothing until he asked, "What do you think?" Her head snapped up in bewilderment. She tried not to think too hard on his sudden interest in her opinions, and offered her advice.

"I think if you send anyone in before the reinforcements are ready, it should be minimal, with supply efforts here.. and here. You'll need an outpost in the north and two caches of equipment near by for any retreat or last minute resupply. Without them.. you'll just be going in circles like you have been for ... however long it's been since your clan left the village."

"Hm." He seemed contemplative. Then moved some pieces around. "And now?" 

"The forces remain the same, but I'd put a second outpost here or move the first," She pointed to the west, "Station a decent force there with the outpost, and a another cache in the southwest, draw them out of the village and cut them off here" She pointed in between the village and the enemy drawn out force. 

This went on for a while, different scenarios, different outcomes, adjustments to resupply and equipment lines. A knock on the door, interrupted their discussion. 

"Lord Madara, the counsel is gathering." 

"That time already?" He looked a bit confused, but brushed it off. Standing, he looked at Kri, "Thank you." She quickly shuffled out of the way and followed him out of the office, watching him as he made his way through the small settlement tents and ramshackle houses

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