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The village was stable again. She had her sisters and her .. what was he to her? A leader. Yes. A clansman. Yes. But they weren't.. lovers. Were they? She frowned, uncertain of what had become of them. During the war, she was a warrior, a shinobi, and a leader for him. Now, with their clan effectively integrated.. well as much as it would be, and with him as Shadow Hokage, they barely crossed paths. When they did, it was fleeting stolen looks, and gentle reminders of 'I exist.' As the days dragged on, she was able to experience the difference between Madara, the Battle Captain, and Madara, a Leaf Leader. Notably the easy banter between him and Hashirama versus the scary overpowered, terrain altering rivalry. On the days she did sit next to him in meetings or with the Senju brothers, she found herself more often than not, laughing at Tobirama's pointed comments and sarcasm, earning her jealous looks from Madara himself. It was strange to think, that last winter, she stabbed him in the leg.

Kri shifted in her seat, slowly sipping the hot tea in her cup, watching people walk by on the busy street. This village was such a busy place now. She wondered if Madara ever thought about her the way she thought about him. Shaking the wonder from her mind, she finished her tea and left for the small apartment she had acquired once the Uchiha moved in to the village. Upon nightfall, a messenger came for her.

"Lord Madara requests your presence." He handed her the small scroll and left. She unfurled it and began to read, noting his perfected handwriting and careful use of words. I have missed your company. Come.  And an address. That was strange, she had never even thought of where he moved to when he came to the Leaf. Things were so busy. 'Missed her company,' huh? He had never returned her feelings with words of his own since her confession. She retreated into the house for a quick bath, a bit of exhilaration rolling through her like a school girl. Slipping on a beautiful silk kimono, and letting her hair down, she left the apartment behind. Only partially the way there did she worry if she was overthinking this and trying too hard. She'd have to come up with a lie if it wasn't him wanting to be with her and found her appearance too forward. 

She arrived at the doorstep, and shuffled up the short stairs, knocking on the door. A guard opened the door, and let her through, excusing himself to stand outside or leave. She wasn't sure which one. It was a bit dark, but there were some small lanterns lit, some candles giving off light. He was sitting at the table reading when she walked in. "Lord Madara." His gaze lifted from his scroll and his face softened. She wasn't sure if he was blushing in the candle light or if it was her imagination. 

"Come." He stood, arm extended out to her. She crossed the room, noticing his robes loosely tied around his sculpted body. This was as relaxed as she had ever seen him before. Kri stood before him, just inside his arm's reach and smiled, wondering if he found her as attractive as she found him. Impatiently, he grabbed her and pulled her into his chest, wrapping his large arms around her with force. A small laugh escaped her lips and she rested in his arms, wrapping her small ones around him. For a moment, they said nothing.

"So... you missed me?" Kri poked at him, hoping to get a rise. He laughed,

"Only by so much." He looked down at her, finger lifting her chin to see her eyes. "I believe.." He bent down and brushed his lips right on hers, never quite letting them touch. "..You have missed me." He breathed in, sucking the air out of her and pulling his lips away, teasing her. Her eyes fluttered open, rimmed with lust now.

"Only by so much." She quoted. Her small hands slipped just inside his robe, finger tips never quite touching the skin on his chest. They had only kissed a handful of times, and never for very long, but they were adults, free to do what they will. And right now, she wanted him.

A smirk grew on his face, mischief in his eyes. This was an even playing field, and he was eager to see her full potential. Watching her dance in battle was entertaining, but to imagine her dancing beneath him... well, to say he hadn't already would have been a lie. He gripped one of her hands and then cupped her face with the other.

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