Chapter 9

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After some time the robbers had calmed down. But now I wasinterrogated. "Your clothes are pretty strange," Genghisbegan. "Yeah, I'm coming ... well I ... that sounds prettystrange." "Try it," Shun encouraged me to continue. Itook air and told them that I came from another world or time. I toldthem all about my way to the station, until the time I landed in thedesert and they found me. Some things I had to explain to them aboutour world, which is, for example, a train, etc. I still saw theskepticism in their eyes. "That sounds very far-fetched,"said Genghis, raising his eyebrow. "Now that I'm going to tellyou everything, it seems strange to me. But why should not youbelieve me, I mean there is a cave in the world that opens with magicwords, flying carpets, Dschinnis and you have a leader who cansuddenly throw lightning this is strange for me too. " Theycould not say anything. "But how does Saluk come to the factthat you can change the magic words?" Shun thought. "I donot know myself. I have no idea of ​​magic.

Thoughtfullywe all looked down. Hakim leaned against a wall. A low clack soundedand a new entrance was opened. He fell into the passage. Curiously wenurtured the access. I helped Hakim up again. "What kind of wayis this?" I whispered, "Hopefully out or back to theothers," Genghis said. "Monika, you go first" Shuntold me. I was not comfortable. In the corridor you could seenothing, but when I wanted to say that Shun already pressed a torchinto my hand. Resistance seemed futile. Carefully I went forward. Forsaftey, the robbers had put a cabinet in the entrance, so that didnot lock behind us.

The way seemed endless and was probablynot used for a long time. Here and there we had to dispose the spiderwebs with sticks. It went more and more into the depths. It seemed tome as if we were going into the underworld. Somehow I saw a glow.Hopefully it's not a trap, I thought. The light became lighter. Whatis it? I approached, and I would almost stop, but the robbers are notallowed that, and pushed into my back, so I go on. Finally, we hadreached the end of the aisle. We stood in a round room supported bypillars. Between the pillars were shelves full of scrolls. In themiddle of the room stood a small pillar, which also bore the lightsource. A bright globe stood on it. Her light brightened the wholeroom. "WOW!" I only said.

"That there is something here I would not havethought "said Shun as he approached theglobe to touch it. "STOP." Resounded a deep voice.Frightened, we looked around to find out where the voice came from."Only the prophets can approach me," the voice thunderedagain. The robbers had stood behind me. "He is meaning you iguess!" Genghis hissed at me. "Oh, please no" I wantedto go back, but the three did not let me through. A ghost appearedabove the globe.

"Does the prophecy want to change themagic words of this cave?" "No ... I do not know, am Imeant at all? ........" just came out of me. The Spiritcontinued to say, "Only that of the Oracle prophecy can changethe magic words here to restore to this cave the saftey they oncehad."

Into my head developed a new plan. A little moreconfident I went to the globe and the Ghost. "Do I have tochange the spells now? Or can I do this at a later time? ""That's up to the prophets themselves, "the Spirit replied."What is that?" Genghis shouted at me. I shrugged, buttried to stand as self-confident as I was. Angrily, the robberslooked at me. But I managed to keep a cool head and said, "Whynot? Should not we first inform Saluk of our discovery? I mean we arestill locked in here and if I now change the words, your co-runnerscan not get in or out of the cave. Or do I see that wrong? "Therage of the three had gone so fast as it had come. They had tounderstand that I was right. So we decided to go back to Cassim'shideout. To find a way to get out.

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