Chapter 19

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It is quite unnecessary to ask how Cassim came to thepalace, after all, he is the "former" king of the robbers.Iago was also there, he had made himself comfortable on Cassim'sshoulder. "Father!" Aladdin seemed a bit surprised to seeCassim here. "I'm here to ask the girl for a favor and to helpher." Cassim told us his appearance "And what kind of afavor would it be?" There was some mistrust in Aladdin's voice."Well, as you already know, she has the ability to make the Cavefrom forty thieves safe again by changing the magic words."
Aladdin'sface twisted into a grim grimace, he hoped so much to change hisfather, but Cassim just could not get out of his skin, he wouldprobably always be part of the forty thieves. The tension crackled inthe room, and how gladly would I have taken cover. "What do youcare about them, father? You're not one of them anymore! "Cassimsighed and then looked at Aladdin. "Aladdin, you do notunderstand that, they were like friends to me, no more like a family.When I thought you and your mother were lost, they were there forme." "But they betrayed you and captured you." Aladdinretorted. "But only because Saluk lied to them." Of courseI could not hold my mouth, now I was struck by the angry stare ofAladdin.

"She'sright about that." Cassim agreed, and Aladdin turned hisattention to him. "And through recent events, I know I can trustthem again. Now I am here to help her, rather we offer the fortythieves our help, in return she changes the magic words." Helooked in my direction. „The Oracle can only help me, but now it isdestroyed," I said, gripping harder into the blanket. "Yes,but there are four known oracles!" With these words, Cassimapproached to me and I looked up in surprise. "I could only findout the information about Aladdin's wedding as an oracle through thegood work of my thieves." "What do you want father?""Is not that obvious, I want to share information with the otherrobbers collect oracles, alone is it not possible. You have to knowthat I took years to get information about yours. "

"ButRazoul wants to attack you again tomorrow to arrest the robbersforever," recalled Jasmin Aladdin, who now stood thoughtfully."How do you imagine that father, I will someday be Sultan,because I can not let the worst gang of thieves running aroundagain."

"I know your concerns my son, but I alreadyhave a plan. Trust me. "To emphasize his words, Cassim put hishand on Aladdin's shoulder. "But we must hurry, as yourenchanting wife said, Razoul will towmorrow be there. Will you beable to change the words?" Now Cassim went to my bed and lookedat me worriedly. "I think so, I feel a bit weak, but my strengthshould definitely be enough."

"Well, then we shouldbe on the way immediately." Despite my words, I stood uphesitantly. At first I thought that I would collapse, but fortunatelythat did not happen. "You should change first!" Jagocroaked from Cassim's shoulder. In fact, I wore only a nightdress.

Jasminegave me new clothes to wear as my other clothes were washed. I got ablack robe with pants and a new bag. I looked at myself in a mirror,now I no longer looked like the Monika from another world, only theglasses stood out, but otherwise, I would not attract attention inthe city. Cassim's original plan was to ride with the horses, butwhen I told that I could not ride, we had to find another solution.But then Carpet offered to take me there. The idea was not bad atall. So I could lie down and have a rest. I also got a blanket fromJasmine that was supposed to warm me on my way there.

At nightwe made our way to the robber's den. I sat on carpet and wrappedmyself in the blanket. Cassim saddled his horse and rode ahead. Iago,took the opportunity to fly again with carpet. He cuddled under thecovers. I lay on my back and saw the world, the sky and the starsflying past me. First i want to sleep, but i changed my mind. It wasjust too nice. Before I knew it, we left Agrabah behind and thedesert lay ahead. "Stop!" I called, carpet and Cassimstopped immediately. From the abrupt stop, Jago flew off carpet andlanded in the sand. Angrily, he scrambled to his feet, "What'sthe matter with that!" He croaked. "I'm sorry, but look."I raised my hand and pointed into the clear starry sky. "What'sso special about this?" Cassim asked me "I have never seenthe stars as clear, as numerous as today! In my world, I am happywhen I can just recognize Polarstar! It's just unbelievable! "Withthese words, I looked further into the sky and tried to memorize theimage that offered me forever. "Even if I'm reluctant to disturbyou, we need to move on, otherwise we'll have a problem tomorrow!"Cassim remarked. "Yes, you're right, I'm sorry." Iapologized and then we got moving again. "You will often havethe opportunity to admire the stars if we can not find an oracle."Iago tried to "comfort". I could not do much to oppose thatargument.

Ireally could not say how much time has passed that I fell asleepduring the flight. Roughly, I woke up from Jago's voice. "We'rehere!" He liked him to wake me up, probably the revenge forfleeing from carpet. I sat up and heard the cave entrance closebehind us. Cassim jumped off his horse. He was directly surrounded bythe thieves who had been waiting for him. Carpet let me slide downand I landed on my feet. I was a little uncomfortable, I did not havemuch good memories of the cave. But all dangers were banished and Iwanted to trust Cassim in any case. I looked to the thieves crowd andlooked for familiar faces. I quickly found them. I had discovered theseven robbers who helped me at the beginning of my journey. I madeeye contact with Shun, but when I realized that he did too, I lookedaway again. I'm such a Coward. I did not even hear Cassim speech.The robbers cheered at once. Again, I missed something important. ButI did not have time to ask what was being said. Cassim came up to me,"Let's do it." As we both went to the secret passage.

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