Chapter 25

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Do you know that? You madeplans for the day before and in retrospect you do nothing. That'swhat happened to me today. I usually wanted to pack my clothes andtalk to Aladdin, but somehow I did not have the motivation to doanything at all. So I lay on my pillows all day and tried to get upto something. The only thing I did was squeeze my personal sentimentdilemma onto a piece of paper with some bad drawings.

I shouldhandle paper here more carefully, as it costs a lot. But that did notmatter to me at the moment. I just realized that when I come back tomy world, I'll never be able to go back here. I would never see allthat I meet here again. This thought hurt a lot, especially as Ibecame friends with Sadira. And then there were the feelings forShun, but from my point of view only came from me.

Again, Itook my pen and tried to make a pros and cons list that had helped mewith some decisions, but my concentration seemed to be in thebasement. I scrabbled with the pen again on the paper and then threwboth annoyed in the corner. Good mood looked different. I rolled overand covered my face with a pillow.

Therewas a knock on the door. "Monika, are you there?" Iimmediately recognized Sadira's voice. "Come in," Imuttered through my pillow. "The door is open." Soft as acat, she entered the room where I lay. I realized how she sat next tome. "What's wrong with you lying on the pillows on such a niceday and moping?" She asked me. I turned my head to her andshrugged helplessly.

"I do not know it myself, butsomehow it saddens me to know that I can never come back here.""But what good is it for you to lie around here now? Later youwill regret it in your world to not have experienced here any more!"

I sat up straight and thought briefly about the wordsof Sadira. "Yeah, you're right and there's not much time lefthere in Agrabah. After all, there are only a few days left until mydeparture. So, what do you suggest? "Sadira stood up and put herhands on her hip. "I think we are having a really nice evening!I know a great tavern where we can have a good drink together."At first I thought I'd rather stay home, but I could not get out ofSadira's words. So I agreed with her.

She wanted to change andso we made a meeting place. I made it look like Sadira and changed metoo. After all, I did not want to go in my sleep clothes, which Istill wore since this morning and on the last nights. I put on a topand pants similar to jasmine. Then I made my way to our agreedmeeting point, at the market stall, where I always worked for Balsam.

Sadira was already waitingfor me there and we made our way to her tavern, of which she raved somuch. I was startled when I realized that she was walking in thedirection of my former family tavern. But my excitement faded as shewent in a different direction. Nevertheless, I was overcome by thefeeling that we were being persecuted. But I had the impression everytime I am here in Agrabah.

The tavern was on the roof ofanother building. So it was still flooded with some sunlight,although the sun was about to go down. Exactly this feature gave thetavern the name "Undergoing Phoenix"

Determined, sheheaded for two vacant seats, where we sat down. I looked around theroom more closely. In keeping with their names, the decorationconsisted of red and yellow vases and rugs. Some had a sun and othersa phoenix. Sadira ordered us something to drink. I saw if any of thevisitors knew, but saw no known faces. And yet I still had theoppressive feeling that someone was watching me. I decided to ignoreit.

The evening was very funny and it was fun talking toSadira about everything. All at once she jumped as if stung by thetarantula. "You excuse me for a moment! I have to go tosomebody. "I was sitting with my back to the entrance so I couldnot see the person who upset Sadira so much. I turned to face her andsaw her standing with her with a man about her age. And I immediatelynoticed why she was so interested in him: he had a certainresemblance to Aladdin.

I watched them a bit, then turned tomy drink. Someone took a seat in the chair of Sadira. At first Ithought it was her, until I looked up and saw Shun in front of me.Beside him stood Hakim and Genghis. All three wore coats so they didnot recognize them immediately. I almost choked on my drink and evenbefore I could say anything, Genghis gave me an understanding tofollow. My eyes went to Sadira, she still seemed engrossed in herconversation. But the robbers did not give me time to think and Hakimpulled me away from the table and urged me to go downstairs. I wouldexplain it to Sadira later, I promised myself. Unless I came out ofthis situation well.


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