Chapter 19

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Jason POV:

I hastily climbed up the stairs and headed towards Sandra's room. My hands were coiled into fists and veins were popping up on my forehead.

I knocked at her door loudly, calling her repeatedly, but she was not opening so I tore it open and saw her sprawled on the mattress with headphones on and eyes closed. I plucked out the headphones from her ears.

"What the hell Jason! Are you out of your mind!" Sandra yelled in irritation and glared at me.

I kept silent and continued glaring at her, her irritated face was now slowly converting into a worried one from my tense state.

She switched off her iPod and asked in a timid voice, " What happened Jason? Why are you here at this time?"

I gritted my teeth and took out the phone from the pocket, showing her the reason for my anger.

"WHAT IS THIS CRAP! SANDRA YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DRUGGED ALISSA!! HOW IS NICHOLAS INVOLVED IN THIS?" I shouted at her finally, letting out my pent up aggression.

Sandra's face became pale from my anger, She stuttered, " look I can explain.....I. "

"What can you explain! huh, what!"

"He...he..blackmailed me for seeing me with Veronica," She whispered with her head down.

I uncoiled my fists and deeply sighed while leaning away, " You could have told me when he approached you. Why you didn't tell me?" I said as I rubbed my temples from frustration.

"I got scared, he threatened me with a video of me and Veronica making out and I could just not let him do that! Do you realize what my mother could do if she got this video? What the whole school would think? Jason I was going to stand up as a student body president? Don't you think that this will ruin my reputation!"Tears were brimming in her eyes and I felt my heart squeeze in pain seeing her like this.

I sat down next to her crouched figure and hugged her tightly. " It's okay, I understand you were under pressure. But now we need to clean this mess up and tell Alissa everything about this hypocrite Nicholas."

She detached herself from me and stared at me wide-eyed, " No I would never do that, don't you think that sweet and honest girl will hate me to eternity if I tell her the truth! I don't think this is a good idea."

I got up and paced around the room worriedly, running my hand through hair repeatedly. "How can this bastard get away with this!" I harshly whispered.

A phone call interrupted my pacing and I saw Sandra's phone ringing by her bedside table. She immediately picked up and listened to it but then her expression changed. She cut the call and said what made me filled up with intense anger and worry.

"Noah said that he saw Alissa and Nicholas in the hospital, Alissa's mother just got in an accident!"

Alissa POV:

As I sat there on the chair, in the deserted hallways of the hospital, I realized how lonely I was feeling right now, No one there with me to help me deal with this stressed situation.

Sometimes I wonder how unpredictable our life can become in some moments that you don't get time to grasp on it and you crumble down into gloominess with this unpredictability.

The nostalgic moments of a year ago were passing my mind like a film, how my real mother also got in an accident, how I was sitting on these chairs with Stephanie consoling me but now today nobody is present.

I wiped off tears from my cheeks that were flushed red from excessive crying and pulled up my legs up to my chest. Weariness started engulfing my senses and I began dosing off into a slumber, so I closed my eyes.

I felt a hand shaking my shoulder softly and calling out my name. When I opened my eyes, I was not surprised to see Nicholas here, as he was the one dropping me here. He must have come to see how I am so miserable and lonely here.

"I just came here to drop some food, you might be hungry," He said and placed a paper bag beside me and sat there too.

I felt my stomach gurgle, " I am not hungry, you can take this away," and turned my face away from him.

"Okay, suit yourself," he said and began unwrapping the burgers and fries from it, the smell was delicious and I couldn't resist longer so I turned and took a burger and began eating it silently. He chuckled lowly at my reaction and kept eating with me.

"How is your mother now?" He asked as we finished eating.

"She is not okay....she has lost excessive blood and needs a donor and I don't know what should I do now, the doctors said they don't have much time but a day, I tried contacting with her relatives but they are in different states. I don't know what should I do," Tears brimmed my eyes again, I told him everything as I felt like not hiding anything from him. I felt so helpless now in front of him.

He leaned forward and took my hands in his warm ones and whispered, " I promise that I would try my best to fix this problem, you don't have to be scared, Everything will work fine," I nodded as I looked at his concerned face.

How this rash and impulsive man can turn into a sweet and wise man.

He just as unpredictable as my life I guess.


After a while, Sandra and Jason came hot on their heels. Sandra came forward and hugged me tightly, speaking consoling words to me, While Jason seems to be glaring at Nicholas.

"How is your Mother now?" Sandra said as she detached from the hug.

"She is now much better, Nicholas managed to get a donor for her on time and I am very much grateful to him for this," I said and smiled widely at Nicholas, who was also giving away a soft smile.

Sandra's hand fell off from my arm and a frown appeared on her face, then she saw Jason with the same look, whereas Jason was also having the same look.

Out of curiosity, I asked, "Is there some problem guys,"

"Oh no, there isn't.....I am just surprised," Sandra gave me a forced smile while looking at Nicholas.

Nicholas got up and said, "I should leave now Alissa, do call me if you ever need anything," He patted my cheek and walked away. I saw him going away with a slight blush on cheeks and a heartwarming feeling unusually.

Jason moved forward and sat where Nicholas was sitting earlier and began asking me about the details of the incident which I told him briefly. He and Sandra insisted me to drive me home and stay at their homes for tonight which I politely declined.

"I will stay here tonight, you guys don't need to worry," I said.

Sup Guys,

So the procrastinator is here, but hey cut me some slack, I was having my annual exams so yes from now on I would be starting to write more without any tension. Phew.

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